Archify Connect: XLine - A place for everything, everything in its place

Our topic today will be XLine - A place for everything, everything in its place by Planex.
Welcome everyone. My name is Karina Clark, and I'm the Business Development Manager here at Planex and it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to our latest product offering, XLine.
In this presentation, I'm going to introduce you to XLine with a review of how the product came about, the workplace context and concept, and then we'll go through and discuss the product features and different applications for XLine, and then go through our customisation options and sustainability and manufacturing.
So, in terms of workplace design, there is a distinction today between pre-COVID and post-COVID. And whilst the infamous floor stickers have been removed from the workplace, there's been a shift in the way designers utilise storage and workplace design, creating more flexibility on the floor plate and creating adaptability as needs change. There must be an ease in regards to reconfiguration of the space, and the other important thing in terms of our post-COVID world is work from anywhere and the return of the occupancy rate within a workplace has changed to be more flexible. So, it could be two days at home three days in the office or any variation on that.
So, what that has meant in terms of workplace design is an ability to optimise space and create a range of different options for the way storage is used. Planex has been involved with a number of spec suites and experimentations in terms of floor layouts, and we have certainly noticed the use of our xLocker2 system and other storage being used and dispersed across the floor so that personal storage and accessibility for individuals is close at hand and you're not getting a whole lot of people congregating in one area. These connectors, also wayfinding systems identify different sorts of distinctions between departments, and the way people are using that space.
And the other interesting thing that I've certainly been quite involved with is sustainable options and making sure that when we're doing or I'm doing different tender documentation, sustainability is a really big issue now. And it's not just a tick box, it's really having to provide evidence for how your product is a sustainable solution within an office and dealing end of life and when the product is no longer needed. What your product stewardship criteria, so we're going to discuss that later on, because I actually think it's a really valid thing within a workplace context.
So, when you think about all these different options, and what's happened in the environment, that led Planex to think about, well, how can we create something that is beautiful but flexible, that gives options for requirements of storage, but also displaying of maybe some nicer artifacts within a workplace, and that's where we came up with XLine. It really is an adaptable and flexible product and it's a full suite of different modules that can be combined in different contexts to suit different workplace environments. Its DNA combines design elegance and functionality. So a place for everything and everything in its place, something that sits very well with XLine.
XLine is a universal shelving system. It's designed to transform spaces and home environments. So, it has that duality, where it can be used within a home context as well as a workplace. It has unmatched versatility and adaptability. And I'll go through that with you shortly.
It consists of a series of uprights and basic box modules that seamlessly connect, interchange and reconfigure.
So, these modules include drawers, hampers, hatches, open units, glass doors, solid doors, there's even a desk for more home office context, and a range of different perforation patterns.
It comes in three different heights. So, there's 740mm high, 1120mm and 1800mm. So that provides you with different requirements and flexibility to meet different space requirements. It has an exclusive flush handle, which is similar to your Tesla car, but it's not a Tesla car and this is a flush diecast handle, and it just provides an elegant touch to the design and seamlessness in terms of the finish. Other additional features include the extendable desk, which has soft wiring for power, LED lighting and there's also a cupboard that can have shelving incorporated into it and the larger cupboard has a coat rail.
So, when I say that this product is adaptable, which can change over time. The basic box module is all the same. It's the same for a hamper or hutch or an open body, but it's the way in which what your needs are, will define how you would use the product. I'll explain that in more detail.
So, one of the best things to do is, once you're familiar with a hamper, or hatch, or you want open units or glass door units, create a quick sketch, send it to us, and then we will provide you and your client a quote or drawing.
Which would probably look something like this, and here's an example of the different types of configurations. This is the 1800mm high unit, we always start with a starter, or a single bay, and that has four uprights and the range of different modules, and then you have additional base after that coming on. So, as I said, the 600mm wide cupboard is inclusive of a coat rail, and you can have adjustable shelves in the 400mm or 600mm cupboards as well. There are a few rules and that's just to do with the kind of ergonomics, hampers are always at the top because they open up, hutches are in the middle because they open down, and desks are always positioned in the middle. It's just common sense really.
And here's a configuration more for a meeting room or a boardroom context. Two bays is wide enough to incorporate a 75-inch monitor or screen, and we also have included the box planter across all the units.
Because greening of your workplace is a really important element from a sustainable position, here's another example. These have drawers in the bottom, but you could have drawers, but the drawers are more sensible in this context, and something of this configuration is perfect for an end of aisle.
So, here's an example of a rendering of that boardroom context.
End of aisle workspace.
And this is in the use of XLine to define a space or a workspace. So, the beauty about what XLine can do is that you can take the modules and configure them so that they work or that you've got them opening onto both sides of the unit. So that helps in terms of if you didn't want to configure a workplace environment and create different spaces, its function works across both sides of the unit.
So, a just run through the assembly details. It's really very simple. The uprights and the box modules, everything is designed for disassembly, and it uses a simple screw or quite a few screws actually, in putting it all together.
So, this is a very simple video in terms of install, so you put your box module in, your runners, as your draw unit goes in. We have jigs that then put locate the next box module and moving up the final module, and that continues across and then you can keep adding the unit.
So, it's a very simple mechanism to put together. It requires simple socket cap screws that are screwed in to locate the modules onto the uprights.
So, this is just an illustration of how it goes together. And the thing about the modules and I think I mentioned this earlier, all of these modules exactly the same, and all the punching is put into the unit, regardless of whether it's a drawer, or a hutch, or a hamper. And then once you've worked out what your needs are the fixtures are put in place.
And then there's the cover plates that come on and conceal all of the holes for machined items.
So, you can see here that the jig being used.
Screwing in place, and then the cover plates go after you've put it all together.
And there's fittings at the top of the unit for hampers.
It can also be used as simple shelving, but the adjustability is fixed in regards to these particular spacing options. So, the 382mm and the 295.5mm, those dimensions and fixtures do not change.
At Planex, we design everything so that it can be disassembled for recycling, reuse or repurposing, and everything can come apart and be reused or recycled. The thing about our products being sheet steel manufacturered, and one of the reasons that Planex chooses to try and make everything it can, using sheet steel, is from a sustainability point of view. That steel is 100% recyclable, it doesn't lose its integrity, no matter how many times it gets recycled. So other materials do lose integrity after a period of time. Then composite materials, like laminate board, are difficult to recycle within Australia. We still haven't fully got our recycling options up to speed, for the amount of product that's out there. So, that's why we've designed these units using what we're good at, which is the sheet metal fabrication.
The downside to that is these units are very heavy, and hence you do require the jig to help support the unit to locate it and put it together. We would really recommend and use Planex contractors to put things together for you on site, in same way that we do with our locker systems. So, the modules, you can combine the three different heights if you so wish. Because of the weight factor, we do make the suggestion and pretty much to Australian Standards that there is a wall bracket or a floor fixing that is used for every third module, just to be sure that it's not going anywhere. Our contractors will assemble and disassemble as required. Delivery times change depending on how busy our factory is, and right now we're kind of reached we're at a maximum capacity lead time of 12 weeks, that goes up and down, usually it's between 6 and 12 weeks at this point in time.
We've also made a decision to limit the customisation, not in colour , you can do whatever you like with colour. You can have six different colours in terms of the uprights or whatever you want, with doors or the box modules, but the perforation patterns we have selected Linea Galaxy Linea Squares and X, as most appropriate for this particular product line.
We have had the product certified with GECA. As I mentioned earlier, because the material is 97% sheet steel, it's fully recyclable.
Adding on to our product stewardship, when the time is reached for parting with our products, our stewardship policy guides our practices and supports the return of products for recycling. So, you can just give us a call, and we can provide you with a quote of the requirement of bringing that product back to Planex. Or indeed, we've also entered into a relationship with Egan's Asset Management WISE Program who salvage products in an environmentally friendly way.
So, when this QR code that now goes on all of our products and with the date of manufacture, that will take you to the appropriate page on our website, which outlines all the details regarding product stewardship, who to contact and how you can safely remove the product when it's no longer required.
We offer a 10-year warranty on all our cabinets and manufacturing products, and we've got a 24-hour portal for customer service, and all of your questions and requirements are answered within a 24 hour period. Now, Elise told me that there's a number of you listening to this presentation. Planex is based in Hallam, Melbourne, and you may be coming from Sydney or Queensland or Adelaide or indeed Melbourne but haven't made your way out to Planex. So, I just thought I'd complete our presentation today with a little video of our plant and operations at Planex.
On our website,, if you scroll down on the front page, you'll come to a virtual gallery. Within that gallery, you can view XLine and see it in detail, you can zoom in and go in and see all the lovely details on it. So, thank you for listening to this presentation. I hope we get an opportunity to provide you with some XLine solutions for your workplace or home environment. Thank you