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ARCHIFYNOW > PROJECT > North Melbourne House Porta

North Melbourne House - Porta

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North Melbourne House

Porta Cumaru timber battens and decking in Architect designed renovation.

This architect designed renovation transforms this house by opening up the interior with integrated timber landscaping. The series of well-designed courtyard spaces make the most of the site, providing a transition space between inside and out.

The project extensively uses Porta Cumaru hardwood for the Architect designed sunshade pergola, seating, decking, and private courtyards.

North Melbourne House - Porta

North Melbourne House - Porta

North Melbourne House - Porta

North Melbourne House - Porta

North Melbourne House - Porta

North Melbourne
Property Type: Single Dwellings, Residential Estate
Design Style: Modern 
Architect: T8 Developments Pty Ltd
Photographer: David Eaton Photography

To find out more about Porta and their wide range of products, visit the Porta Archify page.

Information sourced from Porta 

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Madeleine Thompson
Archify Content Development Coordinator
Coordinates the content curation and publishing on Archify and Archify Now, as well as the creation, research and development of online CPD presentations, educational materials, and Archhify Now material.
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