"Rethinking Built Spaces" conference programme at ReThink HK (HKCEC) on 06 October 2022

Hong Kong Green Building Council will once again co-curate the “Rethinking Built Spaces” conference programme with ReThink HK this year, highlighting the vision and experiences behind exemplar cases and award-winning projects in three building categories: Commercial, Neighbourhood & Residential, and Institutional. It will focus on the management of our carbon footprint – embodied, construction, and operational – covering design visions (passive/active), construction technologies, building materials, energy efficiency, renewable energy, operation and facilities management, and end-user engagement. Panel sessions will challenge the latest practices and provoke discussions on visionary input, with a view to further expediting the net-zero transition and a climate-resilient future for Hong Kong.
Check out what ReThink HK 2022’s Sponsors and Speakers going to share at the conference this October:
You can view the full 2-day programme here: https://rethink-event.com/conference/
Register for your delegate pass at privileged rates using our Promo Code PRCP22 by 04 September at https://bit.ly/RT22-Book
Stay tuned with the event updates at www.rethink-event.com
We look forward to meeting you at ReThink HK 2022 on 05 & 06 October!
#AccelerateTheChange #ReThinkHK2022 #rethink_hk #rethinkhongkong #sustainabilityhk #sustainabledevelopmenthk