Not just another brick, the ULTRA BRICK has been designed and engineered from the ground up delivering a premium pressed brick with a finish to suit any budget.
Face Brick, Inside Brick, Common Brick and Veneer Brick: What is the difference between them? Face bricks VS Commons Bricks When we’re talking about a masonry project with the need for support, we are generally talking about Face Brick or Common Brick – Not Veneer Brick.
Choosing the right cladding material is more than just a simple aesthetic choice - it allows architects to represent ideas, identities and even personalities through colour, style and texture.
Short answer - YES! The brick slips in the Smartbric cladding range are derived from Australian-made bricks using locally sourced clay and created in traditional coal fired downdraft kilns, that weigh only a quarter the weight of full bricks.
While brick cladding, particularly red brick cladding exteriors, have been a staple for centuries in building design, the versatility of bricks and brick slips has reinvented this design staple for the twenty-first century.
As sustainable design becomes mainstream in the architectural landscape, brick wall cladding stands out to architects and engineers as an ideal solution for building an eco-friendly façade.
Bricks, the foundational elements of our homes, evoke a sense of safety and calmness and as a material we've known all our lives, they are synonymous with solid and everlasting structures.
With more and more people doing their own home renovations and DIY projects they may not be used to calculating some of the measurements for jobs or the quantities of products needed. Fortunately for most clay bricks the calculations are quite simple
In this article we will go through answers to these questions in detail Two of the most frequent questions people ask when building a wood fired pizza oven are: “Do I need to use fire bricks when building my oven” “What is the difference between fire bricks and normal bricks?”
Water tanks are typically built using durable materials like bricks and concrete blocks to hold and store mass amounts of water in households and other properties.