In collaboration with Royal Far West and project architects Architectus, we helped transform a noisy balcony into a quieter, more peaceful environment for the organisation’s Centre for Child Health and Learning facility.
Workspace Commercial Furniture are proud to be a Gold Preferred Supplier of Australian Health and Aged Care - see how we are Reimagining Comfort and Care: Furniture Trends in Health and Senior Living for 2025.
At Con-form Group we like being given opportunities to express our adaptability and thanks to APM Group and their Kew Gardens Aged Care project we were able to produce a HVAC&R platform with a unique chamfered screen.
If you’ve already been using patient lifting slings, you might be looking into the next best thing for your patient. You might be looking for an alternative to specialised slings — you want a patient lifting sling that says how it works on the packet without all the added technicalities of a specialist sling.
Within the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the constant lockdowns throughout Victoria during 2020, JML Flooring was tasked to complete one of our largest commercial projects to date.
Hoists are often required in aged care settings due to a “no lift” policy. The goal is to create and maintain a safe workplace and to protect staff members from developing injuries from lifting or moving their patients.
In Australia, it is a legal requirement to have accessible bathrooms in commercial spaces. The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) prohibits discrimination on the grounds of disability, including the provision of access to premises and facilitie