The project aims to provide a cost-effective system to refurbish soiled and damaged ceiling panels with new decorative finishes and have them reused in commercial buildings.
Not only do 3M Architectural Finishes offer the quality and durability you’ve come to expect from 3M, but they also provide amazing benefits that can help your clients reach their sustainability goals. When using 3M™ Architectural Finishes solutions, less is truly more.
The Ecoloop ACP Recycling Facility has been hard at work, processing cladding waste from two commercial projects in Sydney and two apartment blocks in Canberra, handling 11,500m² to date.
Altro is among 15 leading Australian suppliers of resilient floorcoverings to commit funding support to ResiLoop, Australia’s first national stewardship scheme for resilient flooring.
Over the last six months, our Total Quality Management approach towards Waste Optimisation has brought tangible environmental gains to our Canning Vale facility.
ATDC’s security mobile trellis doors have been installed at the entry to multiple Tipwell bays for Cleanaway’s Resource Recovery Centres in QLD , both as an access control and OH+S mechanism. Cleanaway is an Australian waste management company founded in 1979.
The way we manage our construction and demolition waste is changing for the better, but is it changing fast enough? We explore the sources of construction and demolition waste, and different methods of recycling various building materials.
The University of NSW’s Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT) is turning waste into building materials in response to Australia’s growing waste crisis.
These are our monthly webinars that we hold to keep you up to date with the latest in industry insights from our product suppliers. Our presenter today is Krystal from InSinkErator. She's going to be taking you through our session on food waste disposers.