Capral Aluminium, Australia's largest manufacturer and distributor of aluminium extrusions, today announced the strategic acquisition of Aluminium Trade Centre (ATC), a Victorian-based aluminium sales and distribution business.
This signature architectural design from Sydney based firm Dezcon, has been thrust into the spotlight thanks to being the major draw card in PR Queen Roxy Jacenko’s latest campaign to promote her brand bootcamp course.
Featuring DeltaCool™ walling panels in vibrant Gull Grey & rustic Weathered Iron (with 5V profile), this home is shaping up to be a true stunner! Share your thoughts on this exciting Delta project.
In our next presentation to Engineers Australia we will be discussing climate change and energy efficiency, HVAC&R systems producing more noise, buildings moving closer together and significantly greater cooling requirements on projects such as data centres.
The sleek and versatile nature of the panels inspire a design look that distributes the visual weight, in terms of objects, colours, textures and space to make for a build that satisfies the senses.
Thermotek is now a proud platinum sponsor of the Sustainable Builders Alliance (SBA), showing support for e wider sustainable building industry in Australia.
With its classic charm and modern luxury, 555 Collins Street, a 37-storey building combining office and retail spaces, is a worthy addition to Melbourne CBD's most prestigious and iconic street.
Our manufacturing and engineering centre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, serves as a crucial hub for the global container glass industry and IS machine operators.
Let's explore the advantages of choosing sustainable windows like those manufactured by Thermotek - and what you should be looking for when specifying.
We were proud to sponsor and support the event and would like to say well done to everyone who participated in this year's challenge. All finalists performed on Harlequin floors.