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Acoufelt is very pleased to announce that highly acclaimed Japanese artist, Takuro Kuwabara, has been appointed as a foundational artist in the Acoufelt Acoustic Art project. He joins Argentinian Alejandro Avakian and Australians Helene Hardy, Drew Harrison and Ross Morgan in a prestigious group of international foundational artists.
“We have asked a curation team to select a small group of international artists who would become our foundational artist in the Acoufelt Acoustic Art Project”, says Ben Grace, Managing Director of Acoufelt. “Takuro Kuwabara brings a different artistic tradition and aesthetic style to this already diverse group”.
Takuro Kuwabara was born in Fukuoka prefecture, southern Japan in 1949. His family soon moved to Tokyo before moving overseas when he was seven years of age. His progression to becoming an adult was influenced by the cities in which he lived which included over time Hamburg, Chicago and New York. He finished senior school at Scarsdale High School and then started studying at The Cooper Union School of Art & Architecture. Takuro returned to Tokyo before his studies were completed.
Originally a conceptual and abstract artist, Takuro discovered digital art quite late in his life and this is where he has excelled. He has had solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Nagoya and many other cities across Japan as well as group exhibitions around the world.
The Acoustic Art Project takes the works of a limited number of exceptional artists and makes it available to clients printed on acoustic FilaSorb™ material utilising the Acoufelt QuietPrint™ capability. This capability combines key material and print technology characteristics that allow the fibres of the acoustic material to be coloured with high precision, whilst ensuring that there is no significant impact on the acoustic performance of the base material.