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Many of Amtico’s LVT collections are manufactured using antimicrobials to help prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi – all classed as ‘microbes’. By embedding antimicrobial additives into our floor’s surface layer, the floor itself is more hygienic and we’re making it far more difficult for microbes to multiply, and survive. Viruses will essentially ‘die off’ sooner on a surface embedded with antimicrobials than it will on a surface without any microbial resistance.
Amtico’s Signature, Form* and Spacia collections benefit from antimicrobials – and we’ve tested this independently.
The results: 99.9% less bacteria and 85.5% less viruses present on the floor’s surface after 24 hours, when compared to an untreated control**. The silver antimicrobial additive we embed stays within the surface layer and doesn’t seep out and it’s the same type of technology used in food contact applications and medical environments.
Want to know what type of microbes we’re helping you to keep at bay? Our flooring has been proven to reduce common examples of bacteria including MRSA and E-Coli. For viruses, we’ve tested against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19). Our silver additive has also been shown to reduce fungi present on a surface, such as mould and mildew. So, these Amtico antimicrobials have an important job to do!
*excluding Barrel Oak
** independently verified against E-Coli and MRSA, to ISO 22196, showing a reduction of >99.9% after 24hrs against an untreated control. Also tested against SARS-CoV-2, to ISO 21702, showing a reduction of 85.5% against an untreated control and >99.9% against the initial inoculation.