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Persons with disability become comfortable when their environment allows them to move freely and safely, especially at home. A conducive space makes these persons feel not only welcome but also empowered, helping them feel that they are included and can once again participate in society.
One way to create this type of environment is by ensuring disabled-friendly spaces, with necessary support systems and mobility equipment available for use. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, half of the people with disability in 2015 used aids or equipment to help with everyday tasks and around 15% needed aids or equipment for self-care like showers and baths, making disabled-friendly spaces an imperative instead of an option.
Active Mobility provides a range of disability and mobility accessories that help transform your home into an accommodating environment for persons with disability. Our line of daily living aids eases the effort required when doing everyday tasks, helping to support and empower these members of the community.
Here are some ways you can make your home disabled-friendly, along with the accessories that can help:
Provisions for Moving Around the House
For those with physical handicaps, moving from room-to-room already requires much effort.
Ramps instead of steps facilitate the convenient movement of wheelchairs from one room to another. Active Mobility’s line of stable and slip-resistant rubber ramps are customisable, able to fit into doorways and other small elevations, making them ideal safety and accessibility installations for homes.
Handrails provide additional support for residents who need to stand or need stability when moving. Installing handrails throughout the home makes more spaces accessible to persons with disability, helping them feel welcome in the entire area.
Accessible Cooking and Dining Area
Lower surfaces for tables and sinks can help provide easily reachable spaces for persons with disability without sacrificing functionality. Ideal heights and specifications vary, but some are part of the criteria set by advocates of universal housing design.
Kitchen implements by Active Mobility provide persons with disabilities with tools to do cooking tasks such as slicing and grating without straining themselves. Our line of dining aids can assist with eating and drinking, providing grip and stability.
Support and Safety in the Bathroom
Bathrooms are accident-prone areas, so skid-proof tiling and support rails are necessary for disabled-friendly homes.
Shower stools and toilet surrounds help persons maintain safety and stability in the bathroom area. For example, the Toilet Safety Arms assist persons in toilet transfers, and it is attachable to any existing toilet seat and equipped with adjustable height and width, ensuring a convenient fit.
Daily Living Aids and Accessories
At Active Mobility, we provide a wide range of mobility and rehabilitation equipment designed to support and empower persons with disability. With over 20 years of experience, we are a highly customer-oriented company that prioritises the health and satisfaction of our clients, pursuing our mission of restoring mobility to as many members of the Australian community as possible. We have products for mobility, patient lifting, daily living, patient care, archability, seating and more. With Active Mobility, you can help provide better environments for the disabled members of our community.
Make your home accessible now. Call us on 61 2 9649 2111.