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Indoor air can become contaminated in many ways. Everyday substances including paints, lacquers, cleaning products, perfumes, hair sprays, glues and solvents all create potentially harmful emissions, including Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which have been linked to allergies & asthma.
When it comes to improving indoor air quality, the most efficient method is to improve ventilation however Cleaneo Technology provides another solution. In commercial buildings, ceilings provide the greatest surface area that interacts with indoor air so when the ceiling system incorporates Cleaneo Technology cleaner air can be achieved.
Cleaneo technology is derived from a natural volcanic rock called Zeolite. Knauf Danoline uses a synthetic concentrated version called Zeoflair. It is this particular property that actively reduces the concentration of harmful pollutants in the air.
When gypsum board containing Zeoflair is perforated, it purifies air as it streams through the perforations, removing unpleasant pollutants and leaving the air cleaner.
Independent laboratory tests at the Fraunhof Institute in Germany highlighted that Cleaneo technology improved the indoor air quality by reducing the concentration of volatile compounds like alcohol, aldehydes, ketones and esters – all typical emissions from cleaning agents and care products.
So not only can you have a great looking ceiling, but it can also now improve the very air that you breathe.