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17 Mar 2023 by Australian Glass Group
100+ Organisations – Joint Statement to Government
Australian Glass Group is one of over 100 organisations standing together in joint support of passing the planned improvements within the Energy Efficiency section of the NCC 2022 for Residential new builds. The official letter was sent to Building Ministers in time for their decision meeting later this month.
We have already experienced the positive effects on Commercial new builds thanks to the past NCC 2019 improvements and this resulted in significantly higher performing glazing required in Commercial buildings. This improves the comfort and wellbeing of those working inside as well as dramatically decrease the energy load demands to artificially heat and cool. It is now turn for Residential new build homes to improve and AGG supports the planned increase from minimum 6-Star NatHERS homes to 7-Stars. We forecast similar positive impacts of requiring higher performing glazing that will also be influenced by the climate zones that the homes will be built in.
Standard glazing can play the most important Energy Efficiency role in our homes by allowing too much unwanted heat inside (during warmer times of the year) and by being one of the biggest contributors to heat loss (during colder times of the year). This means we are dependent on energy to constantly artificially heat and cool. By improving our glazing’s performance, we can dramatically impact our homes by allowing more comfortable inside temperatures, all year round, while also reducing the demand of energy to heat & cool and therefore play a crucial role in reducing the amount of our CO2-e emissions.
Simple, but so very effective!
See the Joint Statement and those organisations in full support below:
220809 NCC Joint Statement August 2022