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18 Dec 2024 by Bradford Stainless Steel Pools
Before you put a pool up there…
Elevated swimming pools can add incredible value to a hotel or hospitality project. They make sense economically from a space-saving point of view, but with clever design, can also add the wow factor for guests or residents exploiting views and enhancing ambience.
But the design and engineering process for elevated swimming pools can be complex. There are special considerations that need to be accounted for from a structural point of view. This is where stainless steel comes into play because it offers a solution to every problem presented by an elevated setting.
Water is heavy!
In just one standard swimming pool, water can weigh up to 40,000 kilograms. Putting a body of water within a concrete vessel above a residential, office or retail space is risky. Movement causes cracks that turn into leaks causing severe damage to structure and underlying surfaces.
Stainless steel pools weigh three times lighter than rigid concrete pools and have watertight welded fabrication. Because of the durable nature of stainless steel, it’s able to withstand the natural movement of buildings better than concrete. It also allows for watertight welded fabrication so it never leaks or cracks.
Lower material costs
The impressive strength-to-weight ratios of stainless steel swimming pools can reduce material costs for new construction. Bradford’s stainless-steel pools offer first class structural durability, longevity, and corrosion resistance. The pools require less long-term maintenance and extensive repairs than other competitive construction materials due to the highest quality 316L and 304 stainless steel used in fabrication. And Bradford pools, properly maintained, will not delaminate, crack, peel, discolour, leak or require renewing finishes over the lifespan of the vessel.
Faster project completion
The beautiful thing about stainless steel swimming pools is that they can be installed as one complete unit, meaning faster installation (in a matter of days) with less disruption to other works. When the project is too large or the site has limited access, prefabricated, pre-plumbed sections are craned or carried into place.
More room below!
Because of stainless steel’s light-weight nature, there is less need for structural support meaning increased head-height to the floors below, which can be used as storage space – even parking.
Need an elevated swimming pool for a commercial project?
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