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When planning for new louvre installations in your property, whether commercial or residential, the decision "to lock or not to lock" is more than just a matter of security—it can also impact your insurance policy and peace of mind. At Ventus, we understand that each project has unique requirements, which is why we offer both locked and non-locked louvre options across our range.
The Importance of Security in Louvre Selection
The Australian Security Industry Association Limited notes: "Insurance companies often insist on double-sided key locks and window locks before they will insure a property."
This statement underscores the need for robust security measures in modern architectural designs, including those involving louvres. Given this requirement, selecting louvres with suitable locking mechanisms becomes paramount. Ventus Galleries: Locked and Non-Locked Options Where locking is required, the Ventus galleries include a patented “Multi-key cylinder”. This innovative cylinder design accepts a functional snib as well as other C4 broach key blanks that are commonly available. If the project has security screening non keyed louvres are the practical option for achieving the same level of security and compliance.
For your next louvre project, consider how Ventus can help enhance the security and functionality of your space.