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Vitradual’s versatility is achieved due to the combination of high-quality considerations and industry leading components during its design and manufacture. It is an ideal product for Type A and B developments where non-combustible building materials are critical, such as mixed-use developments, residential construction, and large-scale government infrastructure projects like hospitals.
When designing Vitradual, Fairview focused on machinability, performance, and durability, and was committed to creating a product which was well proven for its superior quality, extensive colour range and design integrity.
As Australia’s first solid aluminium panel, Vitradual has been the chosen cladding product for thousands of new build and rectification projects across Australia. Fairview’s comprehensive quality assurance process means that from product design to the fabrication floor, Vitradual has been built with performance in mind.
Not all panels are created equal.
Fairview’s rigorous approach to quality control and assurance from design, sourcing and material testing to regulatory compliance and product warranty, means that Vitradual is the leading choice for solid aluminium cladding solutions.
Vitradual is backed by a team who are dedicated to the total fulfillment of their client’s expectations, which is reflected by a complete quality control system, beginning at the point of specification and continuing through to delivery of the guaranteed products.
More than 50 years of exposure testing in the tropics continues to recognise fluoropolymer coatings for their superior chemical and physical properties. With a virtually unlimited colour range and customisable options, Vitradual is available as a perfect colour match for rectification projects.
Vitradual is one of the most stringently tested solid aluminium panels in the market, having undertaken the following tests and assessments:
*All test reports are readily available upon request.
“We’ve been using Vitradual on a number of our current projects, so it was very surprising to see the amount of development that goes into each of their products, not only into the panel’s appearance but the level of technical knowledge to produce such a high-quality product. We choose Fairview’s products because of their level of quality control and their commitment to ensuring that each panel that enters their warehouse, passes their strict quality control process.”
Brad Watts | Shape Australia
Do not risk your reputation. With endless colour matching possibilities, your architectural-grade cladding solution will be built to last with Vitradual.
Do it right the first time with Vitradual’s timeless, compliant cladding rectification solutions that offer ultimate peace of mind.
Learn more about Vitradual. https://info.fv.com.au/vitradual-solid-aluminium-panels