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GH Commercial are proud to supporters of the Joy exhibition at the Immigration Museum as the Flooring Partner. We were thrilled to work with four local artists within the overall exhibition to create a custom carpet that added an extra element to each unique joyous installation. Joy is open for viewing from the 1st of March 2024 – 29 August 2025.
Joy exhibition
The Joy exhibition at the Immigration Museum sees a range of artists create an installation experience that reflects their own personal representation of Joy. Creating a space where people can come together to connect and experience sparks of joy in a range of structures and formats. Exploring colour and storytelling, seven individual leading Victorian based artists have created their own unique expressions of Joy to create an emotive adventure for individuals from all walks of life.
Visit Joy.
GH Commercial proud supporters of the Joy exhibition.
Joy – Featuring Designer Jet® Custom Carpet
When creating their own Joy installation each artist had the opportunity to create a custom carpet using our Designer Jet® technology. With each space having its own unique design, the flooring needed to perfectly coordinate to add to the joyous elements that are distinctive to each artist’s interpretation.
Designer Jet® is a world class custom carpet technology for creating an infinite array of colours and bespoke designs you would never have thought possible in a carpet. It works by taking any striking pattern, drawing or image and using precision engineering to inject the dye into the carpet, offering a flexible, creative and performance driven carpet solution.
Much-loved, multi-faceted pop artist and designer Callum Preston designed his own custom carpet design that brought his retro 90’s video store to life. Our Designer Jet® technology perfectly applied each carefully considered design element within Callum’s artwork bringing this retrofit installation to life. We were thrilled to host Callum Preston at our manufacturing facilities during the production of his Joy installation Videoland.
“Once I connected with GH commercial I was excited to explore the possibilities of custom carpet. To capture that energy of the vintage designs in roller rinks, arcades, movie theatres and video stores, I found that stepping away from the computer and getting loose on a page with a brush pen was the best way. To create the motion and excitement I really wanted I just went wild with it, and this squiggle chaos was the result! The vibrancy of the colours and the amazing detail it captured is really going to make the space sing.” – Callum Preston, Artist.
Videoland – Callum Preston
During Callum’s visit to our local Geelong manufacturing facilities, we had the opportunity to sit down with Callum and understand more of the inspiration and process behind his Videoland installation and the way in which it incites joy. Callum explained that when it came to bringing joy to life within this exhibition, that drawing upon his “childhood and teenage years” inspired him the most. When speaking to the concept of the video store, Callum explained how he has had the idea of recreating this space for a long time now.
“It’s been a project that has been in my mind for many years, but by its nature it’s really something that needs the perfect situation to arise for it to be possible. So when I was contacted to be a part of Joy at the Immigration Museum, I was so excited to have the right space and feel to execute the idea. Once I realised it was possible, I dove in headfirst and really tried to go wild with the concept.” – Callum Preston, Artist.
Beci Orpin – Bunny Dearest
Melbourne based artist Beci Orpin has brought her own sense of Joy to the exhibition through her installation Bunny Dearest. Taking inspiration from her childhood in the 1970s, Beci has created a completely immersive space where a giant toy rabbit fills the space. Beci designed her own custom carpet utilising our Designer Jet® technology to bring her installation to life. Matching the colours of the carpet to the other featured elements of the space and utilising a large-scale pattern to give visitors the sense of feeling smaller within the space and being transported back to their childlike selves. Beci’s custom carpet features a bright daisy pattern that perfectly emulates a child’s own joyful space.