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An industrial space converted to a sleek commercial office with the help of Kingspan KS1000RW trapezoidal roof and wall panels.
Located in the industrial precinct of Leichhardt, in Sydney’s inner west, this former run-down factory has been renovated and repurposed as The Carton Factory; a new commercial office hub. Designed by BJB Architects, this contemporary new space includes individual office spaces, common areas, kitchen facilities and vast open spaces to capture natural light.
KS1000RW is quick to install, requires less manual labour (which is ideal for projects with limited space in suburban areas), and is designed to meet thermal building regulation compliance. The Factory Applied Weather Seal (FAWS) of KS1000RW also provides The Carton Factory with a continuous weathertight seal for the roof panel system.
Sector: Commercial & Offices
Location: Leichardt, NSW
Completion Date: March 2021
Architect: BJB Architects
Products: Kooltherm Trapeziodal Roof Panel, KS1000RW Trapezidal Roof Wall
The Kingspan KS1000RW Trapezoidal Roof Panels provided the project with a highly aesthetic system with a clean finish compared to conventional multi-part site assembled systems.
Products Used in this Project
KS1000RW Trapezoidal Roof Panel
Through-fixed panels suitable for pitched roof application of 3° or more
KS1000RW Trapezoidal Wall Panel
Through-fixed trapezoidal insulated wall panel