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For Russell, robbing a bank felt like parachuting out of a plane. The adrenaline, the rush, the risk.
Crashing through the doors, sizing up the room, hoping the security guard in the corner didn't decide to be a hero. Leaping over the teller counters to empty the drawers where the big bank notes were kept.
And yet, in spite of the balaclava and the weapon, he was regarded by his peers as "a gentleman" bank robber. Polite. Professional.
Committed by a Children’s Court Magistrate to the adult Long Bay Jail, despite having just turned 17 years old.
He was housed with some of the state’s worst sex offenders, resulting in him being sexually abused repeatedly. His eventual heroin dependence also started there, after his abusers injected him several times with the drug.
Prior to this, Russell had already been struggling to cope with the trauma and anger of having been sexually abused in Daruk, the notorious juvenile detention centre.
Now he is a committed champion for the rights of others who have experienced these traumatic and painful abuses.
If you want to hear more of Russell search for his Podcast The Stick Up or follow him on Instagram @Russell_manser or check out his great cause at www.thevoiceofasurvivor.com
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