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From phones to watches, and even kitchen appliances, smart technology is fast becoming essential in everyday life.
The automation of manual tasks has made daily routines faster and easier, allowing you to spend time on what matters most – like your family!
Smart tech isn’t just for the home, either. With Merlin’s myQ connectivity, your garage can become the newest addition to your smart network.
If you’ve been using a basic remote to access your garage (or manually opening the door each time), you’re missing out on a world of convenience.
Extending smart tech to the garage can have numerous upsides for you and your family. Here are the top three benefits that owners of smart garage door openers are taking advantage of – and you should, too.
Smart security:
Owners of smart garage door openers are able to connect their opener to their smartphone with the Merlin myQ Connectivity Kit.
Through the app’s clever features, they’re able to manage access to their garage – and even the house – no matter where they are.
■ The App allows them to set up alerts for any time the garage door is opened, so owners always know when the house is being accessed.
■ With the Guest Access feature, households with myQ technology can give trusted family and friends access to the home. Once selected guests have downloaded the app, they can access the garage from their device – perfect for popping in to water the plants or bring in the mail while they’re away!
Safety PLUS:
To add an extra layer of safety to their garage, homeowners with smart tech use Merlin’s range of accessories to ensure their family’s well-being.
■ Merlin’s Protector System (Safety IR Beams) reliably stops the garage door from closing when the beam is obstructed or broken. This safety feature can prevent injury or damage to any runaway pets, kids or poorly parked cars!
■ Merlin also offers the Battery Backup 24V, allowing households the ability to access their garage door – and all smart safety features – even when the power is out.
Automatic convenience:
Owners of smart garage door openers know that technology levels up their lifestyle with convenience.
■ Merlin’s myQ App means that they can keep their hands and pockets light by leaving the keys at home. Whether they’re nipping down to the shops, or taking a morning walk around the block, they can access the house with a simple tap of their Smartphone or Smart Watch.
■ The myQ App also has a scheduling feature, allowing owners to choose times for the door to automatically open or close. By setting an automatic close at night, they don’t have to second guess themselves, or wake up in a panic thinking the door might be open!
■ Merlin’s myQ can also connect to the Merlin Remote LED Light. Activated when the garage door is opened, this light is perfect for those late-night home arrivals.
To create a safer, more secure, and more convenient home for your family, take the leap and install smart technology in your garage today.
For more information about Merlin, or to browse our range of gate and garage door openers and accessories, visit our website or call 1800 638 234.