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Project Name: Belinda
Builder: Futureflip
Futureflip utilised two Plungie Original's for this detached dual occupancy project. Both of these modern homes required a pool that met the design standard of the property, as well as being a functional piece for the yard and future residents.
Key project elements
Multi-Purpose Backyard
The size of the Plungie Original means that the backyard was able to retain a lot of its open space and greenery.
Combined with the semi-recessed install choice (that allowed for custom paving surrounds and glass fencing), it segregates the pool area and creates a multi-functional outdoor space.
Personal Sanctuary
The Kona Coast ecoFinish suits this sleek and trendy home, bringing out the characteristics of the build and also beautifully complimenting the terrazzo-style paves that surround the pool.
The pool is positioned right outside the main bedroom... how amazing to wake up and see your Plungie first thing in the morning!