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Bushfire season is here and it's crucial to have a plan in place for protecting your home. While you may already be taking steps like cleaning gutters and sealing gaps around windows and doors, there's another simple decision you can make to increase your fire safety: adding a fire provision to your pool.
When fighting a major bushfire, it can be difficult for firefighters to access enough water from the water mains alone. In these circumstances, static water supplies like rainwater tanks and swimming pools can be vital for firefighters.
We’ve always been innovators in the pool industry, and offering fire provisions is just another way we’re enhancing pool ownership for homeowners. In this article, we'll explain how a Plungie can serve as a static water supply and help firefighters protect your home during a bushfire.
Absolutely! If your pool is well-maintained and uncontaminated, the water is perfectly suitable for firefighting. By adding a fire provision to your Plungie Max or Original, not only can you have plenty of fun in your pool, but it can also play a crucial role in protecting your property during a fire emergency.
A fire provision is a small modification that can be made to the pool shell, allowing it to be used as a firefighting water source. This provision provides for 2 additional suction points, which allows a valve to be added to the pool, which can ultimately be connected to a hydrant or pump connection for firefighting.
In the past, we received requests from homeowners in bushfire-prone areas to add a fire provision to their Plungie. We thought this was a great idea, and in the spirit of continuous improvement, we’ve introduced this as a standard modification that can be added to our Original and Max models.
If you live in a bushfire-prone area, it is mandatory to have a dedicated water source for firefighting. The required water storage varies depending on your property size and is determined by state or council authorities.
In most rural areas, a minimum of 10,000 litres must be reserved for firefighting purposes, which makes the Plungie OG and Plungie Max perfect for this application. We recommend checking with your local council to confirm the requirements in your area.
Adding a fire provision means that your pool can contribute to your water storage requirements along with any existing water tanks on your property. This additional water source can help provide peace of mind during emergencies and make firefighters’ jobs much easier.
We offer fire provisions on our Original and Max models as they are the ideal size for a static water supply for your property. After all, the Max is the world’s largest monolithic pre-cast concrete swimming pool! Like most of our add-ons and modifications, a fire provision must be requested at the time of ordering and cannot be retrofitted.
The fire provision is added to the base of the pool shell, and all you’ll see are the suction covers at the bottom of the pool. We’re confident that if you swam past the fire provision, you wouldn’t even notice it. There’s no noticeable difference to the pool’s exterior either, which is great news for anyone wanting to maintain the pool’s smooth, Class 2 concrete exterior.
You can plumb the fire provision to wherever you like in your yard, so it won’t impact your landscape design. Simply ensure that it can be easily accessed by firefighters, and install the applicable connection point for your state.
Yes, our fire provision is appropriate for all Australian states and territories. Each state and territory has specific requirements for the valve that is attached to the fire provision — rather than the provision itself. Our fire provision provides the basic connections, which your plumber can commission the appropriate state-approved value, so you can take advantage of this modification no matter where you’re installing a Plungie.
We’re so proud to be offering this innovation to homeowners in regional and rural areas. If you reside in a bushfire-prone area, it's a no-brainer to add a fire provision to your Plungie. After all, this simple modification could make a huge difference in the event of an emergency. Talk to the Plungie team to learn more about our innovative pool solution or request our brochure today.