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18 Apr 2023 by DRIZORO Scientific Waterproofing Products
No matter what your construction project involves, concrete surfaces often make up a large part of it. From walls, foundations and patios all the way to sidewalks and driveways, concrete is frequently the substrate of choice because it provides durability, strength and design flexibility.
The only drawback, however, is that concrete is naturally porous. Just like brick and natural stone, it can absorb excess moisture, dirt and other harmful chemicals over time – making concrete surfaces susceptible to:
Fortunately, products like SWP’s SEALTIGHT exists to seal, protect and preserve concrete surfaces in projects.
Here’s where and how you can take advantage of our product to ensure your project’s porous surfaces will appear and function at their best.
SEALTIGHT is a penetrating and colourless sealer that permanently waterproofs, insulates, hardens and preserves concrete, plaster, mortar and even the most porous natural stone.
Its scientific formula causes a reaction that solidifies the component parts of your pre-cast block, masonry, concrete or cement mortars into a single mass. This provides you with a denser substrate that’s not only waterproofed but also resistant to acid, oil, fuels, fats and grease.
Because SEALTIGHT keeps surfaces clean, strong and protected, many professionals in the field also use it for sealing and waterproofing:
3 benefits of using SEALTIGHT
At Scientific Waterproofing Products (SWP), we’re proud of the efficacy of our SEALTIGHT product.
This waterproofing solution helps you prolong the life of your concrete surfaces and ensure the safety of everyone who interacts with the project long after its completion.
Here are the three main advantages the SEALTIGHT product offers you.
SEALTIGHT is safe for the user and the environment. It’s even classified as a non-hazardous material.
You can also trust that SEALTIGHT is non-corrosive, non-toxic and non-flammable.
How to apply SEALTIGHT
To get the best results from SEALTIGHT, we’ve prepared this set of instructions and reminders that can assist you as you use our product:
Surface Preparation
Note: the information provided here must be used in conjunction with the appropriate technical data bulletins and material safety data sheets available from our office or website.
Is SEALTIGHT perfect for your next project?
SEALTIGHT is an all-in-one solution that enables you to waterproof, protect and preserve your project’s concrete surfaces. Through it, you can ensure your concrete will remain in excellent condition for a long time.
Just keep in mind, however, that the effective use of SEALTIGHT will depend on substrate condition, porosity, or texture, plus the need to thoroughly saturate the substrate upon first application.
So, if you’d like further guidance about using SEALTIGHT, simply speak to your local Australian waterproofing specialists at Scientific Waterproofing Products.
Get the right specification of waterproofing product for your next project.
At Scientific Waterproofing Products, our team is here to provide you with the most effective waterproofing for your unique project.
We offer a wide range of Drizoro cement-based waterproof coatings that are made from high-quality raw materials and backed by a 10-year product warranty.
If you’ve got questions or issues around your next waterproofing job, or you’d like to find out which product is best for building, maintenance or restoration requirements, contact us today! You can also check out a list of local Drizoro resellers and applicators here.
As always, SWP is committed to providing the right waterproofing solution for any water-related problem or application.