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19 Oct 2021 by Serge Ferrari
Saint-Jean-de-Soudain, 15 March 2021
The year 2020 marked a turning point in the history and development of the Serge Ferrari Group. After the recent purchase of Plastitex — an Italian family-owned company specialising in the production of composite materials developed for indoor and outdoor furniture — two years ago, and Verseidag-Indutex — a Germany-based world leader in PTFE fibreglass membranes —, and the acquisition of a 55% stake in F.I.T. — a Taiwan-based company that designs, manufactures and distributes high-technology non-combustible materials — in 2020,the France-based Serge Ferrari Group is starting a new chapter of its leadership on four keymarkets: Tensile architecture, Modular structures, Solar protection, and Furniture/yachting.
With the year just beginning, the sales teams have already been reorganised, and are now fully integrated and operational after three new, equally-weighted regions have been defined:Northern Europe, Southern Europe-Americas, and Asia-Pacific-Middle East-Africa. An industrial optimisation process has also been initiated: the reallocation of the different ranges of solution sand the rationalisation of activities across the Group’s various production sites is currently under way to achieve improved industrial efficiency by 2021.
The Group has secured its position as a world leader on its strategic markets with a unique range of products and solutions that combine durability, safety, aesthetics, comfort and environmental responsibility.
“The year 2020 brought unprecedented disruption due to the global health and economic context, but it also spurred transformation for the Serge Ferrari Group, which has become a world leader on all of its four strategic priority markets following the integration of Verseidag-Indutex and F.I.T. In 2021, the Serge Ferrari Group will be wholly focused on improving its industrial and commercial performance across all regions as it rolls out its synergies plan,” says Sébastien Ferrari, Chairman and CEO of the Serge Ferrari Group.
Based in the greater Lyon area, in the small town of La Tour du Pin, the Group recorded salesof 195.3 million Euro in 2020, up 3.3% at constant perimeter and exchange rates.
Contributing to building better, with less, now*: the Serge Ferrari Group’s cardinal rule
In order to help achieve its ambitions for international development and facilitate the integration of teams from different companies while maintaining its identity and strong corporate culture, theGroup decided to redefine its core mission: Act now to build a better tomorrow.*
Thus formulated, the challenge is easily understood, but not so readily addressed: developing the capacity to provide the same level of performance in the future while using less natural resources to achieve a lighter, more durable construction industry.
The evolution of demand and the response to environmental challenges provide a unique opportunity to allow alternative, healthier, more efficient and more virtuous construction and furnishing solutions to emerge. Following the first lockdown in France, the Serge Ferrari Group’s R&D department was able to react swiftly to develop a new virucide technology. It will continue to invest in innovation towards practical, aesthetic and sustainable materials, and imagine light weight architectural solutions, opening formidable perspectives for technical application sand bold designs.
In short, the Serge Ferrari Group’s new mission, perfectly aligned with the Group’s current identity and vision for the future, is based on three major guiding principles:
Building better: supporting the evolution of behaviours by reconciling practical innovations — safer, more functional and more durable solutions — with well-being — greater concern forcomfort, design and quality of life.
Building with less: encouraging the use of lighter and more durable materials to provide a concrete response to concerns over climate change and environmental protection, in an effortto move towards economic models less wasteful of natural resources.
Taking action now: taking full responsibility today by developing innovative composite fabricsto imagine applications that measure up to the urgency of environmental challenges.
With every one of its choices, the France-based family-owned company was able to preserve and keep alive its technological expertise and sense of humanity, overcoming the many transformations it has faced by securing the financial resources to invest into its future and protect its independence.
Headquarters: La Tour du Pin (Isère )
2020 sales revenue: 195.3 million Euro
Number of employees: > 1,000
Number of production sites: 6
Number of subsidiaries abroad: 9
For more information, please download the press release