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Wondering about the difference between our Natural and Pre-primed products and whether painting or staining is required? Should you consider purchasing Woodsman finish or natural?
Pre-Primed Woodsman VS Natural
Our Pre-primed woodsman products and natural products have the sametimber surface texture. They both have a natural timber grain that providesunique appearance with the characteristics and looks of timber. Thepre-primed woodsman must be painted and the natural products can bestained or left unsealed allowing it to grey off (see installation manual forfurther details). Pre-primed products have a 25 year manufacturer’swarranty vs Natural Products with a 10 year warranty (conditions apply seeinstallation manual)
Painting Pre-primed VS Staining Natural
Painting Pre-primed Weathertex products provides a solid, opaque finish. Italso provides excellent protection against moisture and UV radiation,which helps to prolong the life of the product. Paint is available in a widevariety of colours, and you can choose a colour that complements yourhome's design. Weathertex products are low VOC which when used withlow VOC paint are safer for your family home.
On the other hand, staining Weathertex products can bring out the naturalgrain and texture of the timber, creating a more natural look. Quality Stainsare available in a range of colours, from light to darker tones, allowing youto achieve the desired look for your project. Staining can also protect thetimber from moisture and UV radiation, but it may not be as durable aspaint in terms of withstanding the elements. Controlled erosion stains areavailable to achieve a light timber colour that compliments a ‘beachy’ style.
Weathergroove 150 Natural stained Intergrain Charred
Our pre-primed products require 7-15+ years maintenance dependant onthe choice of paint.
Weathertex natural products will on average require 3-5 years’maintenance, depending on the choice of stain. The original colour can berestored after natural fading by cleaning and staining the product (furtherinformation available on our natural flyer).
Whether you have chosen painting pre-primed or Staining natural a yearlyinspection is recommended to confirm the coatings integrity. You mayneed to apply additional coats or touch up/repairs depending on yourinspection and personal preference. Each manufacturer has their owntimeframe for maintenance, so it’s important to do some research beforechoosing.
Weathergroove 75 Woodsman painted Dulux Monument
When deciding between painting and staining your Weathertex products,consider your personal preferences and the environmental conditions theproducts will be exposed to. Your choice of Weathertex product comesdown to your own design aesthetic and ultimately it is your choice!
If you're unsure about which option to choose, you may want to consultwith your professional painter if you are using them or a trainedprofessional for advice. For more information about Painting or Stainingyour Weathertex products, refer to our Installation Manuals and paintingand staining section on the Weathertex website.