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Plumbing & Drainage of Mechanical - Electrical Products

Plumbing System and Drainage System: What’s the Difference?

A plumbing system transports fluids using tanks, pipes, valves, plumbing fittings, and other equipment. Plumbing is also used for waste removal, portable water delivery, and heating and cooling. A drainage system on the other hand prevents water from flowing back into the building and its base, transporting water and waste away into sewers.

Here are some of the plumbing and drainage products that you can find at Archify:

Plumbing Valves 
A plumbing valve is a kind of fitting that enables the regulation, control and direction of fluids through a pipe. Valves are frequently used in systems to control water pressure, stop backflow, direct flow and shut off access to water.

PVC Couplings 
Couplings are used to join pipes and modify tube thickness. They also aid in patching pipes that are leaking or broken.

Drainage Pumps
A drainage pump is used to drain pits and deep underpasses on the road, as well as to dewater courtyards and basements that could flood due to excess groundwater.

Waste Traps
Waste traps are small plumbing appliances used to stop sewage or wastewater odours from coming back up the drains into the building. 

Lift Stations
Lift stations are pumping facilities used to transfer wastewater from lower to higher elevations. They reduce the need to excavate for sewer lines, which results in significant excavation cost savings.

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