Purple Haze, situated in Central Nairobi, is an idyllic community comprising of 226, 2 and 3 bedroom units in two blocks. A striking composition of balconies, and fenestration, create an interplay of shadows and a natural orientation to the surrounding views. The two blocks are woven around a series of interesting experiences comprising of several courtyards, and exterior spaces, leading to the river.
Purple Haze, situated in Central Nairobi, is an idyllic community comprising of 226, 2 and 3 bedroom units in two blocks. A striking composition of balconies, and fenestration, create an interplay of shadows and a natural orientation to the surrounding views. The two blocks are woven around a series of interesting experiences comprising of several courtyards, and exterior spaces, leading to the river.
Purple Haze, situated in Central Nairobi, is an idyllic community comprising of 226, 2 and 3 bedroom units in two blocks. A striking composition of balconies, and fenestration, create an interplay of shadows and a natural orientation to the surrounding views. The two blocks are woven around a series of interesting experiences comprising of several courtyards, and exterior spaces, leading to the river.