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Deeds Brewing Taproom

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Splinter Society
Melbourne, Australia
Locat­ed with­in an authen­ti­cal­ly indus­tri­al build­ing in Glen Iris, the Deeds Brew­ing Tap­room is an immer­sive expe­ri­ence bring­ing patrons into the cen­tre of the craft beer pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty whilst pro­vid­ing an ele­vat­ed bev­er­age-focused hos­pi­tal­i­ty venue. The fitout extracts prin­ci­ples behind the man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es and rede­fines the rhythm of the struc­tur­al ele­ments exposed in the ware­house deconstruction.

Deeds Brew­ing is already a high­ly regard­ed brand in local craft beer brew­ing attract­ing a cap­tive audi­ence of beer enthu­si­asts with an expec­ta­tion for qual­i­ty and inno­va­tion. Express­ly engag­ing with the avid beer con­nois­seur, the key spaces are defined by brew­ing ele­ments such as the fer­men­ta­tion tanks built into the bar, list­ing the menu of week­ly brews and aging bar­rels dra­mat­i­cal­ly stacked in the din­ing room. These are rein­stat­ed in the rep­e­ti­tion of cir­cu­lar screens divid­ing the ground and mez­za­nine lev­el. All areas are open to the actu­al work­ing pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties with screened views through the spaces.

With a refined dis­tinc­tion from the pro­duc­tion areas, the sleek black Tap­room appeals to a broad­er audi­ence cre­at­ing a sophis­ti­cat­ed back­drop for din­ing, high­light­ing key ele­ments such as the open kitchen and colour­ful­ly brand­ed shop.

The major­i­ty of the struc­ture is retained, reveal­ing the raw ware­house state at points. The detail­ing is a more pol­ished inter­pre­ta­tion of the ware­house ele­ments incor­po­rat­ing fine black steel, met­al screens, warm nat­ur­al tim­ber and soft suedes. The lofty ceil­ing expos­es exist­ing struc­tur­al ele­ments and pre­vi­ous tim­ber ceil­ing beams have been recy­cled and refash­ioned into table­tops. A dis­tinct end grain tim­ber pat­tern is used for the key ele­ments includ­ing a long cen­tral bar.

The expe­ri­ence of the space becomes mul­ti-faceted with the intro­duc­tion of the­atri­cal light­ing ele­ments. Con­tin­u­ing the pat­terns derived from the brew­ing process, cir­cu­lar lights are inte­grat­ed into the bar fur­ther accen­tu­at­ing the bar as the cen­tre of the fit-out. A cut­ting-edge LED instal­la­tion illu­mi­nates the screens through the spaces. A spot­light illu­mi­nates a large flo­ral instal­la­tion cre­at­ed by flo­ral artists Alche­my Orange.

Bring­ing vis­i­tors into the depths of the brew­ing process, the new Deeds Brew­ing Tap­room is a mul­ti­sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence syn­ony­mous with the art of qual­i­ty craft beer.

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Brewery design

Bar design

Lighting design

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Mood lighting

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Lighting design

Bathroom design

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

Deeds Brewing Taproom

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