Hong Kong: Green Building in Action – Latest Update on Hong Kong's Green Building Achievements

The latest version of the “Hong Kong: Green Building in Action” brochure has just been published by the Hong Kong Green Building Council to provide an update on Hong Kong's green building development status. Containing the most up-to-date figures and concise new infographics, the brochure showcases the evolution of the city’s built environment, including the HKGBC’s efforts and initiatives, as well as the outstanding achievements of BEAM Plus, Hong Kong’s local green building assessment tool.
As of 31 December 2022, 3,164 buildings had been certified by BEAM Plus. The total estimated carbon emissions saved by assessed projects in the New Buildings category alone reached 1,182,700 tons per year, equivalent to planting 51.4 million trees.
The Council has implemented a number of initiatives to continue promoting market transformation, including a comprehensive Retro-commissioning Training and Registration Scheme, HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook, and the “Climate Change Framework for Buildings and Construction”, all of which are covered in the brochure. In recognition of the fast-growing green finance market in Hong Kong, the brochure also includes a dedicated section providing information on this topic. More details are available in the publication.
This infographic brochure is updated annually to help readers better understand the important initiatives and progress made by the Council, the Government and the industry in promoting green buildings and transforming Hong Kong into a greener, low-carbon city. The brochure is available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese to cater to all interested parties. You are welcome to read it at