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ARCHIFYNOW > THOUGHT LEADERSHIP > Rethinking Built Spaces conference programme at ReThink HK HKCEC on 06 October 2022

"Rethinking Built Spaces" conference programme at ReThink HK (HKCEC) on 06 October 2022

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BCI Central is proud to be a Media Partner of ReThink HK to be hosted on 5-6 October 2022 at HKCEC! As a content-led conference and expo, ReThink HK puts thought-leadership, insight, and debate alongside innovation and real solutions. ReThink HK believes in spreading the knowledge of leaders and experts across the many areas of sustainable business.

Hong Kong Green Building Council will once again co-curate the “Rethinking Built Spaces” conference programme with ReThink HK this year, highlighting the vision and experiences behind exemplar cases and award-winning projects in three building categories: Commercial, Neighbourhood & Residential, and Institutional. It will focus on the management of our carbon footprint – embodied, construction, and operational – covering design visions (passive/active), construction technologies, building materials, energy efficiency, renewable energy, operation and facilities management, and end-user engagement. Panel sessions will challenge the latest practices and provoke discussions on visionary input, with a view to further expediting the net-zero transition and a climate-resilient future for Hong Kong.

Check out what ReThink HK 2022’s Sponsors and Speakers going to share at the conference this October:

You can view the full 2-day programme here:

Register for your delegate pass at privileged rates using our Promo Code PRCP22 by 04 September at

Stay tuned with the event updates at

We look forward to meeting you at ReThink HK 2022 on 05 & 06 October!

#AccelerateTheChange #ReThinkHK2022 #rethink_hk #rethinkhongkong #sustainabilityhk #sustainabledevelopmenthk

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