Our system of education has remained almost unchanged since the beginning of the 20th century, only recently have we examined how we can improve student results with modern and non-traditional methods. One of these methods is with the use of furniture.
Learning from Macao chose to make the casino buildings the protagonist of the drawing and the proud symbol of Macao, which are featured with intricate decoration or exaggerated shapes.
After running architectural practice for nearly 2 years in rural Philippines, the Scandinavian Design studio Native Narrative have designed a serie of after-school facilities whereas the Mas-in Learning Center Project is one of four after-school facilities that have been constructed during 2018.
Haringey Sixth Form were looking to upgrade their facilities and create a space that would help students gain the skills they need to take their next step in education or their first step into the workplace
A modern, dynamic lighting solution in schools creates a learning environment that can already take into account future needs and a wide range of requirements.