Jumbo Globe Limited > Updates > Jumbo Globe wins Most Outstanding Architectural and Interior Design Service at HKVC 2022
Jumbo Globe wins Most Outstanding Architectural and Interior Design Service at HKVC 2022
11 August 2022 by Jumbo Globe Limited
Jumbo Globe wins Most Outstanding Architectural and Interior Design Service at Hong Kong Most Valuable Corporate Awards 2022, presented by Myth Focus.
The HKVC aims to connect the most valuable companies and build a strong entrepreneurial network in Hong Kong. The award honours companies which have been providing outstanding services and contributing to Hong Kong society in different industries.
Jumbo Globe’s outstanding services in architecture, interior design and landscape design are widely recognized. As an award-winning architectural firm, Jumbo Globe will continue bringing outstanding services to our clients, innovate for sustainable future and make positive changes to the industry.
Jumbo Globe Limited
Jumbo Globe is an award-winning international architectural practice with studios in Hong Kong and Beijing. Our design philosophy emphasizes a holistic approach that balances aesthetics with functionality to create cohesive environments. We are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that cater to the specific needs of each project, with the ultimate goal of achieving measurable business development objectives and providing high-quality work and living spaces.Our broad range of services covers a variety of project types, including commercial complexes, retail spaces, corporate headquarters, luxury hotels, residential estates, cultural institutions, and more. Our team is well-versed in a wide range of design disciplines, ranging from master planning, architectural and interior design, to landscape design. We pride ourselves on our diverse and multicultural team of creative professionals who possess a wealth of experience both in China and internationally, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to all projects for our clients.In addition to our traditional design services, we have recently expanded our business to include Metaverse design. Our team of professionals has extensive knowledge and experience in designing immersive digital environments that meet the unique needs of our clients in the virtual world. From virtual galleries to interactive commercial spaces, we bring the same level of creativity, attention to detail, and dedication to excellence to our Metaverse projects as we do to our physical spaces.JG中筑创联(英文:Jumbo Globe Limited)是一家国际建筑设计事务所,在香港、北京均设有办事处,香港办事处位于中环核心国际商务地段,北京公司是张家湾设计小镇首批入驻的33家重点企业之一。JG中筑创联拥有多年成熟的地产行业设计服务经验,成功开展了各专业领域设计方案,当中包括:总体规划设计、建筑设计、景观园林设计、室内设计等设计出图业务、BIM设计咨询、房地产项目设计咨询等业务。公司项目涵盖城市综合体、高端商业、写字楼、酒店、住宅、别墅、养老地产等类型。JG中筑创联的设计着重整体环境,充分考虑美学及功能之间的平衡,为各家企业实现可量化的商业发展目标。自成立以来,JG中筑创联始终专注设计主业,致力于向社会提供高品质的设计服务,并逐渐形成了「创新设计塑造未来」的企业核心理念,事务所被多家机构评为最杰出建筑设计公司、大中华地区最具创新力建筑设计事务所。设计团队作品荣获美国MUSE缪斯设计奖铂金奖与金奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖、美国建筑大师奖、广州设计周IAF最佳大奖等多个奖项,在行业中享有极高声誉,铸就了JG中筑创联的设计品牌。