In this project, a total of 63 sets of Sunpipes of two different diameters is installed, expected to save 75% of artificial lighting in daytime. Upon installation, areas without windows will also be accessible to natural sunlight, which enhances human well-being through maintaining circadian rhythm and
lifting people out of depression.
In this project, a total of 63 sets of Sunpipes of two different diameters is installed, expected to save 75% of artificial lighting in daytime. Upon installation, areas without windows will also be accessible to natural sunlight, which enhances human well-being through maintaining circadian rhythm and
lifting people out of depression.
In this project, a total of 63 sets of Sunpipes of two different diameters is installed, expected to save 75% of artificial lighting in daytime. Upon installation, areas without windows will also be accessible to natural sunlight, which enhances human well-being through maintaining circadian rhythm and
lifting people out of depression.