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04 May 2020 by MAPEI
The Milan-based Company, closely tied to its own territory, is donating €750,000 to San Raffaele Hospital, Milan Polyclinic and Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan to help tackle the current health crisis.
Meanwhile manufacturing is continuing in its factories, in accordance with the laws in force, until otherwise instructed.
March 13, 2020
The Mapei Group, which has always been very closely tied to the city of Milan where it was originally founded, has decided to play its part by donating €750,000 to San Raffaele Hospital, Milan Polyclinic and Luigi Sacco Hospital to support research and provide aid to medical and healthcare staff in the front line in tackling the serious emergency due to the epidemiological spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy.
“In a serious situation like this, we believe it is vitally important to support those who are most closely involved in the battle to save the lives of patients in hospitals and in trying to find a cure for the virus - so the Squinzi family announced - And our thoughts and support also go to the Italian Red Cross, one of the first associations to provide aid and support to those most in need”.
Mapei can confirm it has made a donation to the Italian Red Cross Committee in Milan for the Charity Concert that was supposed to take place on Monday 30th March at La Scala Opera House in Milan and is assessing other ways of supporting the Italian Red Cross.
Meanwhile, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, Mapei has adopted its own infection prevention safety protocol in all its offices and for all its operations.
More specifically, until otherwise indicated by the relevant authorities, manufacturing will continue in all the Group’s Italian associate companies, where the changing rooms and company canteens have been shut down. There will also be no contact between workers when changing shifts and all other necessary preventative measures are being put in place, such as checking body temperature and requiring all workers to wear protective masks.
The Company is also promoting miscellaneous forms of agile working and, in accordance with the latest government provisions, it has reduced the number of staff working in offices to a minimum as an additional support to remote working.
“Until this emergency situation is over, Mapei is committed to implementing all the measures imposed by the Italian government in all its offices and facilities to safeguard health”, so the Squinzi family pointed out.
The same precautionary measures have been adopted by the Group’s foreign subsidiaries, which have also been invited to comply with the governmental measures imposed in their own country.