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Healthcare facilities of all types have always been important, but in 2020, they took on an unprecedented modern-day significance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Acute care facilities were pushed beyond capacity while caregivers and staff worked seemingly never-ending shifts, sleeping wherever and whenever they could. In elder care facilities, where the toll was great, accurate communication with hearing-impaired residents was crucial.
Dr. Gary Madaras, an acoustics specialist at Rockfon will discuss the building blocks of optimized acoustics in healthcare facilities; sound absorptive ceilings, sound isolating barriers and designed background sound. He will use these building blocks to explain how to achieve restorative sleep for inpatients in hospitals, speech privacy for confidential patient-doctor conversations in medical office building and speech intelligibility for hearing-impaired residents in eldercare facilities.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
Watch the webinar here: