EPDM Membrane Adhesive
illbruck CT113 is a viscous liquid adhesive, made from a blend of synthetic rubber and resins. Developed for the bonding of illbruck EPDM membranes.
Basic Uses:
illbruck CT113 is a viscous adhesive developed for the bonding of ME220 EPDM membranes, particularly in façade applications. illbruck CT113 is compatible with surfaces such as wood, metal, masonry and other building materials.
EPDM Membrane Adhesive
illbruck CT113 is a viscous liquid adhesive, made from a blend of synthetic rubber and resins. Developed for the bonding of illbruck EPDM membranes.
Basic Uses:
illbruck CT113 is a viscous adhesive developed for the bonding of ME220 EPDM membranes, particularly in façade applications. illbruck CT113 is compatible with surfaces such as wood, metal, masonry and other building materials.
EPDM Membrane Adhesive
illbruck CT113 is a viscous liquid adhesive, made from a blend of synthetic rubber and resins. Developed for the bonding of illbruck EPDM membranes.
Basic Uses:
illbruck CT113 is a viscous adhesive developed for the bonding of ME220 EPDM membranes, particularly in façade applications. illbruck CT113 is compatible with surfaces such as wood, metal, masonry and other building materials.