EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen Stands Out with Floating Appearance in A Dense Neighbourhood
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen is a communal space located at a dense neighbourhood in Bandung. The building stands out architecturally with a floating look.

BW House, An Urban Sanctuary with Tropical Modern Style
The concept of BW House is an urban sanctuary, as the house is located in a dense urban area, yet still able to maximise open spaces, openings and greeneries in every corner.

Interior Designer, More Than Just A Decorator
When it comes to creating a beautiful and neat space arrangement, an interior designer is the right person for the job. Their role is more than just that of a decorator.

Architectural Intelligence 2024: AIA International Conference Concludes in Hong Kong
The AIA International Conference 2024, held from October 23rd to 27th, brought together a vibrant mix of architects, designers, and thought leaders in Hong Kong, all united under the theme "Architectural Intelligence." Hosted by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), this year’s conference took place at The Henderson, a stunning architectural marvel designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, providing a breathtaking backdrop for discussions on the future of architecture.

Keynote Announcement: Barbara Bouza at AIA International Conference
Exciting news for attendees of the AIA International Conference in Hong Kong! Barbara Bouza, FAIA, the former President of Walt Disney Imagineering, will be a keynote speaker this October.
Our Insightful Articles
Archify mencoba menghubungi beberapa arsitek dan desainer interior, menanyakan respons mereka menghadapi pandemik. Beberapa arsitek dan desainer interior memberi pendapat, kesan, maupun pesan untuk sesama praktisi sebagai berikut.
Located at the centre of Surabaya, Pb House by kantorgg is a renovation project of a 100-year-old mansion. The façade of Pb House has the characteristics of colonial architecture as the main feature and historical value of the building that need to be retained. However, considering the homeowner’s needs and lifestyle, the renovation of Pb House has resulted in a contemporary living space while still taking into account the original shape and style.
Andra Matin, an Indonesian architect whose work has just been shortlisted in the 2019 Aga Khan Awards, is a prominent figure not only among practitioners in the industry but also among the general public. His works are very diverse and spread in various regions in Indonesia. They are often put in the spotlight by both architectural media and the mass media.
Jakarta, 7 Maret 2020 — Universitas Tarumanagara mengadakan seminar arsitektur Architalk 0.1 yang terbuka khususnya bagi para mahasiswa arsitektur. Mengangkat tema “Urban Space to Commingle for Millenials”, seminar ini diadakan untuk mendiskusikan pentingnya ruang sosial di tengah kota bagi kaum milenial. Mengundang beberapa arsitek yang fokus di bidang perkotaan, seminar ini sekaligus menjadi kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan Jakarta yang kini juga terus berbenah.
Pada acara ARCH:ID yang berlangsung dari 27-29 Februari 2020, Jayaboard berkolaborasi dengan Alien Design Consultant, Samsung, AMX, dan Vega untuk pengerjaan instalasi yang diberi judul Beyond the Ceiling. Instalasi ini mengisi tapak pameran berbentuk L, dengan naungan meliuk yang menjadi bidang pantul permainan lampu sehingga suasana terasa dinamis setiap saat.
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, material bangunan serta teknologi konstruksi adalah salah satu pihak yang paling bersinggungan dengan arsitektur. Harapan sinergi antara kedua belah pihak inilah yang menjadi dorongan pengadaan ARCH:ID bertema “Let’s Talk” yang dibuka sejak 27 Februari 2020 lalu. Berlangsung selama tiga hari di ICE BSD, pameran serta konferensi diadakan melalui kerja sama antara Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) dan CIS Exhibition.
Tulang Bawang Barat, known as Tubaba, might not sound familiar to most Indonesians. The district, inaugurated approximately 20 years ago, is a proliferated region occupied mostly by migrants from various regions in Indonesia. With the absence of strong regional identity, whether in the form of buildings or distinctive natural beauty, the mayor initiated collaboration with andramatin to develop the district, both in terms of urban planning and the district as a whole.
Salah satu perusahaan furnitur terkemuka di Indonesia, Melandas, akan segera menginjak umurnya yang ke 21 tahun ini. Menyambut pencapaian tersebut, Melandas mengangkat tema “Home Harmony” sebagai arah program-program yang akan dijalankan pada 2020.
Nowadays, cafes have become a part of the everyday for almost everyone. Apart from gathering and eating, it is a place to indulge in social media activities or just to take a break from one’s daily routine. In a city like Jakarta, cafes are also a spot to escape from the heat. Therefore, café designs in the city place greater priority on spacious and comfortable air-conditioned indoors with little outdoor space.
Ketika menikmati sebuah film, tidak jarang latar sebuah adegan menampilkan arsitektur yang menarik sebagai estetika visual untuk mendukung jalannya cerita. Meski lebih sering menjadi elemen pendukung sebuah film, kini mulai bermunculan film yang memang berfokus pada arsitektur sebagai objek utama. Tidak jarang, festival film khusus bertema arsitektur juga kini diadakan, seperti AIA Film Challenge, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam, ADFilmFest, dan lainnya. Dengan dorongan yang sama untuk mengapresiasi arsitektur lewat film sebagai medium, biro arsitektur Studio Sae dan rumah produksi Titian Bintang mengadakan acara Perspektif sebagai festival film arsitektur di Indonesia.
Located at the tip of the Java island, Banyuwangi recently has developed into a destination for local and international tourists. Set amid the mountains on the west side, and the sea on the east which directly borders Bali island, this regency relies on the natural beauty of Java island which is not yet popular to public. To date, the development of Banyuwangi is supported by a number of national architects who were involved in the construction of tourist facilities as well as a variety of well-organized city and public spaces. A well-designed environment can be experienced even at the moment tourists set their foot for the first time when using the airlines.
Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Nasional dan PT Citra Inovasi Strategis (CIS) Exhibition akan melangsungkan konferensi dan pameran ARCH:ID pada 27-29 Februari 2020 mendatang. Acara yang diselenggarakan di ICE BSD, Tangerang, merupakan hasil kemitraan kedua pihak yang mendorong terjadinya dialog antara arsitek dan para pelaku industri konstruksi di Indonesia.