EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen Stands Out with Floating Appearance in A Dense Neighbourhood
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen is a communal space located at a dense neighbourhood in Bandung. The building stands out architecturally with a floating look.

Kylau Common Space Carves Out A Story about Coffee and Community
Kylau Common Space offers a comfortable and aesthetic meeting point for Depok city local community to interact, work and enjoy the quality of coffee as well as the space itself.

Interior Designer, More Than Just A Decorator
When it comes to creating a beautiful and neat space arrangement, an interior designer is the right person for the job. Their role is more than just that of a decorator.

Introducing CM Jao - Jury Member of the K-DESIGN AWARD
We are excited to highlight CM Jao, co-founder of Oft Interiors Ltd and a respected jury member of the K-DESIGN AWARD. A graduate of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, CM specializes in innovative shopping malls and leisure spaces.

Keynote Announcement: Mun Summ Wong at AIA International Conference
Exciting news from the AIA International Conference in Hong Kong! Mun Summ Wong, the Founding Director of WOHA Architects, has been announced as the opening keynote speaker on October 24th. His upcoming talk, titled "Redefining Values - Towards a Sustainable and Equitable Future," is anticipated to be both enlightening and impactfu
Our Insightful Articles
Public space, as we know it, is a designated area in a governed human settlement that is accessible to everyone. As it is named, public space functions as a place for public gathering—one of the earliest examples is the square in ancient Greek metropolis and similar space that other cities built through the span of the last millennium. The more recent takes on public spaces include parks, pedestrian path as well as other accessible infrastructure, and sometimes, institutional buildings. Public space then functions more than as a place to gather, but also to relax, spend time doing almost anything, up to being a deliberate pause in a dense urban design, and as an ecological element, for instance, an area of water reserve or for nature to thrive.
When finished in 2018, Tanjong Pagar Centre was built to be one of the superlatives in Singapore. Standing at 290 meters above the street level, this mixed-used development is named as the tallest building in Singapore at the moment. With its position, flanked by the heritage rows of shophouses in Tanjong Pagar, this skyscraper stands as a prominent landmark on an urban scale. On a human scale, the extensive green open space of Tanjong Pagar Centre also marked itself as a landmark while being in the proximity of Tanjong Pagar MRT Station.
Sitting on a housing cluster in one corner of Greater Jakarta, Compartment House showcases a unique example of how a residence is transformed into a mixed-use space. Designed and owned by Studio Sae’s principal, the house has seen multiple development and renovation since 2013 before the latest major revamp happened in 2017. Since then, there are at least three main functions carried by this house—living, working and interacting, as three connected compartments.
Sejak tahun 2009, Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD) konsisten menghadirkan pameran yang menyorot karya kontemporer berupa desain, seni, teknologi, entertainment, dan pergerakan hospitality oleh desainer dan seniman Indonesia. Memasuki tahun kesepuluh, ICAD 2019 yang digelar oleh Yayasan Design+Art Indonesia dan didukung Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia (Bekraf), Artura Insanindo, dan grandkemang Hotel Jakarta kembali diadakan mulai 16 Oktober 2019.
Two years ago, when MRT Jakarta and many of the now-opened public spaces in the city had not yet existed, the idea of hanging out and strolling in some parks were deemed peculiar. With most of the public parks in Jakarta being gated, rarely maintained and poorly lit in the evening, parks were not the place of choice for people to spend their time. Parks, like those surrounding Monumen Nasional, were only popular on weekends or holidays, and people preferred to be in an air-conditioned mall, whiling their time away.
Andra Matin, Budi Pradono, dan Yori Antar adalah nama-nama yang sudah tidak asing, bahkan sangat dikenal dalam kancah arsitektur Indonesia. Kiprah dan karya ketiga arsitek tersebut sejak belasan tahun lalu bukan saja menjadi motor perkembangan arsitektur di Indonesia, namun bahkan menjadi sorotan secara global.
Pada 24 Oktober 2019, HOMEDEC kembali hadir untuk kedua kalinya setelah sukses diadakan di JCC Senayan Juli lalu. Berlokasi di ICE BSD Hall 8, Tangerang, HOMEDEC 2019 berlangsung selama 4 hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan renovasi homeowner yang kini semakin melek dengan desain. Dengan tema “Your Home Your Style”, HOMEDEC menghadirkan berbagai produk yang sangat variatif, mulai dari furnitur, sanitary ware, set dapur, dekor, sampai peralatan dan perlengkapan untuk kebutuhan di rumah.
Berlangsung selama empat hari sejak 23 Oktober 2019, Hospitality Indonesia 2019 digelar dengan fokus untuk memamerkan produk maupun jasa terkait industri hospitality. Disebut sebagai pameran hospitality sekaligus desain satu-satunya di Indonesia, pameran ini mengutamakan produk maupun jasa lokal yang memiliki kualitas yang mampu bersaing di pasar global.
Salah satu langkah untuk menghadapi berbagai isu lingkungan hidup saat ini adalah melalui pendekatan berkelanjutan, baik itu untuk membangun atau menghasilkan berbagai produk yang dipakai sehari-hari. Mengangkat tema “Design for Better Community”, Seminyak Design Week (SDW) 2019 mengajak berbagai komunitas desain untuk menampilkan berbagai inovasi yang bisa dilakukan melalui pendekatan tersebut.
Setelah diinisiasi pada 22 Desember 2018 tahun lalu, Ibu Arsitek kembali mengadakan diskusi melalui acara “Halo, Ibu Arsitek!” Diadakan pada 12 Oktober 2019 lalu di Mata Lokal, M Bloc, diskusi mengangkat tema Ruang untuk Publik dan mengundang Maria Rosantina dari d-associates, Her Pramtama dari Tim Percepatan Pembangunan Gubernur DKI Jakarta juga salah satu principal US&P Architects, dan dimoderatori oleh Avianti Armand.
Fundament kembali menyelenggarakan forum diskusi arsitekturnya yang ke-7 pada Jumat, 27 September 2019 di Sarang Building, Bantul Yogyakarta. Fundament #7 kali ini mengangkat tema mengenai arsitektur dalam kaitannya dengan behaviour atau perilaku.
Selama Oktober 2019, Bandung akan dimeriahkan oleh 89 event desain yang diselenggarakan oleh 133 pelaku kreatif di bidang arsitektur, interior, desain produk, desain grafis, dan bidang-bidang lainnya. Berada di bawah payung Bandung Design Biennale (BDB), sejumlah event kreatif ini kembali menegaskan Bandung sebagai kota yang melek desain, dan bagaimana para desainer memiliki kekerabatan yang erat untuk mengadakan acara dua tahunan ini.