J House is a simple yet comfortable modern home located in a quite dense residential area. The design utilises the Wabi-Sabi principle that in something imperfect, the beauty itself could be appreciated.
The house concept is derived from the condition that the project sits on a sloping land with three-metre difference. The three masses cascade down the site, thus giving the term Cascading House.
Montrii House is designed as a pair of twin houses for two families who want to grow independently but still live, share, and spend a joyful time together.
An interesting challenge of the project comes from the pointed flag-shaped land. However, the land itself also has a potential of Merapi Mountain grand view.
Rice Barn House is designed by responding to the site's environmental condition and celebrating the inherited traditional local construction methodology.
Cara mengusir tikus di rumah yang dapat Anda coba adalah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi pengusir hama tanpa racun maupun cara tradisional yang menggunakan bahan-bahan alami.
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