Keindahan warna dusty membawa atmosfer kalem dan lembut. Saat ini, warna dusty digunakan pada rumah modern minimalis untuk menghangatkan kesan ‘dingin’ pada gaya minimalis.
Locaāhands Dining Club is a restaurant located in Surabaya that specializes in wood fire menus. True to the dedication in committing sustainable construction, the design revolves around retaining as much of the original house foundation as possible.
Responding to privacy issue, a double concrete wall with large openings as a fence as well as a barrier was utilised for the owner's privacy while displaying the visual impression of minimal boundaries.
Located in Solo, SAM RATULANGI House 02 is exclusively designed for a senior couple who want to spend their retirement in a comfortable and beautiful house.
Ada banyak cara mengusir cicak dari rumah. Ketujuh cara mengusir cicak dari rumah ini bisa langsung Anda praktikkan karena menggunakan bahan-bahan dan alat yang mudah ditemui di rumah.
Extending your house is a popular choice to improve your home. By extending your home, you generate more space and light that allows you to stay in your home without the need to move to a bigger place. Folding doors is a great choice to use in your
Terdapat beragam jenis tanaman anti nyamuk di rumah. Ada yang ditanam di luar ruangan, ada pula tanaman anti nyamuk indoor. Tak hanya ampuh mengusir nyamuk, jenis tanaman dalam rumah anti nyamuk pun dapat mempercantik tampilan rumah Anda.
Bersama Yu Sing, arsitek utama dari Studio Akanoma yang giat menggerakkan kesadaran lingkungan, #ArcbyArchify bertajuk Kota Kita Nanti Sensitif Terhadap Air mengajak kita membangun kembali pemahaman dasar akan penyebab utama banjir sehingga langkah tepat mengatasi banjir dengan efektif pun dapat mulai dijalankan.
To embody the client's request for a unique design, the architect plays with additive and subtractive forms to present a playful, curvy masing with a sense of modern-minimalist design.
Considering Feng Shui practice, the entrance door was deliberately positioned on the house's left side and the stairs on the right side. As a result, two adjacent foyers were created—one in front as a semi-outdoor space connecting to the services area and the other joining the stairs as a threshold to the house's main space on the floor above.
Bagi orang-orang yang hobi bermain musik, berada dalam studio musik tentu menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Memiliki studio musik sendiri pun menjadi salah satu impian yang ingin diwujudkan suatu saat nanti.
The design emerged from a desire to translate the construct of a single sound wave into an overarching architectural gesture that defines the spatial qualities