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The Detox Office
How can we create a harmonious working environment?
The current world of work is rapidly evolving. Particularly in the age of hybrid working, it has become a reality that digital tools are being used in ever greater numbers. Whether for completing daily tasks, for video conferences or when on move – we use our smartphones, laptops, wearables etc almost all the time. However, this trend has its dark side: Constant digital accessibility and use of devices can lead to so-called "digital fatigue".
Under the motto "The Detox Office - a caring ecosystem for the workplace"; the new arrivals will join the Sedus portfolio in Spring 2023. It is an important task for the product innovations and additions, as well as the Detox Office approach, that people will be able to work in an environment where they can counterbalance their digital work and find a change of perspective. The intention is to create an environment that promotes health and well-being. In this new ecosystem, individual work as well as collaboration are defined by a wide range of diverse workspaces. They are not strictly separated, but rather blend smoothly into one another, creating an exciting and versatile environment. Whether it's an informal exchange, spontaneous encounter, concentrated work or a retreat for a moment of relaxation – there is a perfect area for every occasion.
Biophilic design is a key factor in this process. The New Arrivals take up this approach by using plants, the organic shapes of furniture as well as natural and stimulating colours. They enable an office design that creates feel-good moments that employees can experience away from technical tools.
"We live in a digital world, but weare fairly analogue creatures. Omar Ahmad
Sources: sedus.com