Terletak di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta International Airport yang menggantikan Adisutjipto Airport ini menampilkan nuansa Jawa dengan arsitektur yang modern. Bandara ini telah diresmikan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo pada Agustus 2020.
Aplikasi Luxalon Multi B aluminium ceiling seluas 120.000 m2, menampilkan desain plafon linear yang dinamis dengan permainan lebar dan ketinggian panel yang beragam dengan kombinasi dari tipe 30B, 80B, 130B, 180B, dan 30BD. Luxalon Multi B merupakan salah satu linear ceiling dengan karakteristik yang mudah dipasang, tahan lama, dan cocok dipasang untuk aplikasi interior maupun eksterior.
Hunter Douglas
The Netherlands
Hunter Douglas celebrated it’s 100 years of establishment in 2019. Over the years Hunter Douglas has maintain its position as the world leader in window coverings and major manufacturer of architectural products. The world of architecture and design communities have specified and contributed to our tradition of bringing breakthrough products to markets, which had made Hunter Douglas the company of choice for array of projects’ solutions, including innovative systems for metal ceilings, exterior sun louvers and facades. Synonym with our current tag line “100 years of Innovation” , in the last 2 decades alone, Hunter Douglas had also added textile and non-woven materials into our ceiling system program, EOS intelligent sun control into the sun louver program and terracotta NBK façade systems to complement the existing aluminium façade program.From the projects’ specification stage to complete installation, we have worked with architects, designers and builders to manage the Design, Functionality and Comfort of the projects, either high rise or low, big or small development and exterior or interior application with acoustics performance. Our expertise in customization, fabrication, installation and technical support, deliver outstanding products and systems for our design hallmark of outstanding functional and aesthetic performance with exceptional durability and long lasting. Hunter Douglas commitment to sustainability and responsible development are evidenced by our continuous efforts to address green environmental concerns, improve production processes, eliminate waste and reduce maintenance cost.The Hunter Douglas portfolio includes thousands of high-profile and landmark projects around the world, from retails; to corporate and commercial buildings, to major airports, transit centres and other public transport facilities; to hospitality, health care and education buildings as well as facilities at public spaces and sports stadium etc. With Hunter Douglas major operational centres and sales offices located in Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, they provide us an unmatched worldwide presence to continue supporting our business partners and customers globally with products and system flexibility as well as adaptable to each respective local market requirements.The Hunter Douglas Group has its Head Office in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and a Management Office in Lucerne, Switzerland. The Group is comprised of 134 companies with 47 manufacturing, 87 assembly plants and marketing organizations in more than 100 countries. Hunter Douglas Group employs about 25,000 people worldwide with USD 3.6 billion sales in 2019.