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PHOMI > Updates > PHOMI x The Colours Of Indonesia 2018 at Senayan City Main Atrium
PHOMI x The Colours Of Indonesia 2018 at Senayan City Main Atrium
02 Nov 2018 by PHOMI
Phomi Indonesia merasa sangat bangga dan bersyukur dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam Event The Colour Of Indonesia 2018. Event ini digelar dari 14 – 23 September 2018 dan diadakan di Senayan City Main Atrium Hall. Phomi tipe Granite Stone di instalasi pada Area Marketing Gallery yang di design oleh Mr. Ary Juwono. Tema yang diangkat “The Hearth of Sumba”. Perpaduan Warna dari mulai furniture, lampu gantung dan material finishing yang digunakan sungguh serasi dan mencerminkan nuansa Sumba yang begitu indah. Great Works!!
PHOMI, the pioneering patented brand in manufacturing modified clay material is the industry leader in the world of eco or green building materials. Recognized by the Green Building Materials Industry as the fore-bearer of iconic innovative cutting-edge materials, our company’s vision is to create a more environmental friendly living space by using a sustainable recyclable green products free from any toxic chemicals or volatile organic compounds that pollute our Earth.Phomi Characteristics :1. Flexible2. Freeze Resistant3. Durable4. Water Resistant5, Fire Resistant6. Light & ThinPhomi’s products are modified soil through a technology breakthrough with the base materials being constituted and bonded together by using our patented and high-tech machineries in its manufacturing process. Phomi’s products are durable having both highly malleable range of products at one end to also reasonably solidly hard products. Yet Phomi’s products can also be made into a flexible and realistic feel characteristics.Phomi’s products come with the shapes in a lot of form, individual piece form, board form and panel form by using the newest 3D printing system or mould roll casting system. Yet, the natural characteristics of the soil remains giving the benefits of A-Grade fire retardant, breathability, non-toxic, durability and totally recyclable.