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Vania > Updates > Tips Membersihkan Noda pada Karpet
Tips Membersihkan Noda pada Karpet
02 Dec 2020 by Vania
Pasti pelanggan setia Vania pusing kalau ada noda di karpet kesayangannya. Apakah Kalian tahu kalau kita bisa membuat ramuan sederhana untuk membersihkan karpet dari noda yang membandel dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat?
Berikut tips dari Vania untuk membuat karpet kesayangan Anda bersih kembali!
Bahan-bahan: Jus Lemon, Garam, Air, dan Cuka.
1. Campurkan semua bahan menjadi satu ke dalam wadah dengan perbandingan 1:1.
2. Aduk semua dengan rata, dan tuangkan ke dalam semprotan.
3. Semprot ke area yang terkena noda/kotoran.
4. Kemudian gosok-gosok menggunakan spons atau sikat halus.
Voila! Noda/kotoran pun hilang dalam sekejap!
Note: Jangan menggosok terlalu kuat apabila tekstur karpet Anda termasuk halus/lembut, agar tidak merusak karpet.
Selamat mencoba!
Everyone has their own dream about what is called ‘the desirable living space’. It is the ultimate place that perfectly captures the essence of yourself filled with personality, imagination, taste, and passion. No matter what style, ambiance, furniture, or decorating element that you choose, house and any other living spaces eventually reflect you as an individual with all the uniqueness. It becomes your sanctuary that defines the way you live and enriches your life experience as well.Reaching out the dream of having the desirable living space is now easier than you ever thought before. With Vania, the experience of living is redefined and elevated to the next level. By bringing delicate design and outstanding quality, Vania is the perfect companion to your modern and elegant lifestyle. Providing all your needs to create and personalize your living space through a wide range of products that meet international standards.Established back in 1997, Vania has proven its existence on the forefront of modern design by growing into one of Indonesia’s leading fabric brands. Emphasizing on style, elegance, and quality, Vania has expanded its line to upholsteries, draperies, contract fabrics, furniture, and even interior design consulting. In addition, Vania currently caters to a wide range of clienteles, such as five-star restaurants, hotels, and other high-end service industries. We continue giving our best for improvement and innovation.Few would argue that design is an important element that makes a good living. The shapes, the patterns, the colors, and the textures not only indulge your eyes, but also feed your soul. Vania understands this very well by translating it into various products combining aesthetic beauty with functionality and a strong added value. We will happily accompany your journey in a quest of desirable living space. We don’t just help bring your dream house into reality. More than that, we help construct your truly home that is where the heart is.VISIONTo establish Vania as an avant-garde interior furnishing company in Indonesia and beyond.MISIONWe will push ourselves beyond boundaries in return for our customers complete and total satisfaction.