Sentul Works, nestled in Sentul West, Kuala Lumpur is a colonial-era railway administration building adapted into a new contemporary heritage office building.
The integration of a new 2-storey steel structure in rustic Corten steel was recessed inwards from the colonial block below to preserve the scale and presence of the old.
The approach to restoration gave a new life to the ruined colonial structure. Corten panels and bay windows were inspired by the existing building grid and brick patterns. Pop-out windows and balconies were featured for users to experience the surrounding context and highlight the genius loci of the site.
Sentul Works, nestled in Sentul West, Kuala Lumpur is a colonial-era railway administration building adapted into a new contemporary heritage office building.
The integration of a new 2-storey steel structure in rustic Corten steel was recessed inwards from the colonial block below to preserve the scale and presence of the old.
The approach to restoration gave a new life to the ruined colonial structure. Corten panels and bay windows were inspired by the existing building grid and brick patterns. Pop-out windows and balconies were featured for users to experience the surrounding context and highlight the genius loci of the site.
Sentul Works, nestled in Sentul West, Kuala Lumpur is a colonial-era railway administration building adapted into a new contemporary heritage office building.
The integration of a new 2-storey steel structure in rustic Corten steel was recessed inwards from the colonial block below to preserve the scale and presence of the old.
The approach to restoration gave a new life to the ruined colonial structure. Corten panels and bay windows were inspired by the existing building grid and brick patterns. Pop-out windows and balconies were featured for users to experience the surrounding context and highlight the genius loci of the site.