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Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior

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One way to make your home interior appear more beautiful is by adding indoor plants. Nowadays, there are various choices of indoor plants that not only function as decorative elements, but also bring health benefits. Let’s take a look at seven indoor plants that you can choose to complement your rooms.

Spider Plants

Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


As the name suggests, a spider plant has long thin leaves that resemble spider’s legs. This plant can be put on the floor or in hanging baskets/pots. Taking care of a spider plant is quite easy. The right amount of watering is the most important. If you notice any tip burnt and leaves drying out, you can simply cut off the brown tips and your spider plant will look fresh again.

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


If you would like an air-filtering indoor plant in your home, you can consider a dwarf umbrella tree. Its green/yellowish leaves that look like fingers branching out of the stalk are eye-catching. Like any other decorative plants, this plant is easy to take care of. You would only need to water it regularly and spray liquid fertiliser as needed.


Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


This vertical growing plant with long pointed leaves will not only make your home look more beautiful but can also act as an air purifier to improve your home’s air quality. It is a type of plant that grows in a dry climate so it can survive with minimum water for a long time. Overwatering may even make the root rot. Water it only once or twice in a week to let the plant grow well.


Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


Dracaena is sometimes mistaken as a wild plant as it commonly grows in a yard and is often left unattended, but it actually has a striking appearance that makes it a great ornament. Although it can grow well indoor, it grows better under the sunlight. Therefore, place it in an area with direct sunlight to support its growth.


Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


Monstera is one of the currently trending ornamental plants. It is indeed unique with its perforated heart-shaped dark green leaves. There are also variegated monsteras with green leaves combine with yellow or white leaves. Monstera doesn’t need much direct sunlight, which makes it even easier to groom. Besides, it can also help to improve the air quality in your room.

Echeveria Succulent

Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


These days, succulent plants are rising in popularity among millennials, especially the echeveria succulent because it has a cute tiny rosette shape and available in many varieties and colours. Not to mention that taking care of this plant is easy. If you would like to have this in your home, make sure not to place it in a low-temperature area because it can get mouldy.

Weeping fig

Seven Types of Indoor Plants to Freshen up Your Home Interior


Unlike the massive bearded fig trees or banyan trees that you commonly find on the roadside or parks, a weeping fig is smaller and can be grown in a pot. Its unique white-green foliage will surely enhance your home’s aesthetics. For the plant to grow well, simply water the plant once each day and fertilise routinely.

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