Set in the seaside town of Queenscliff Victoria, this holiday home resides in the redundant rear yard of the historical corner store as you enter the town.
The project required the subdivision and restoration of the iconic shop and design and construction of a new holiday home. Natural timber was key to the design with the Australian Harwood being able to silver off over time. A simple pallet of glass, concrete and brick completes the minimalist enclosure. 1 main bedroom, 1 large bunkroom and an open plan living/dining are connected by large expanses of vertical glass maximising the natural light, views and providing some relief from the compact site. Visual and physical connection through to the plunge pool ensures this is a house designed for relaxation and enjoyment.
Set in the seaside town of Queenscliff Victoria, this holiday home resides in the redundant rear yard of the historical corner store as you enter the town.
The project required the subdivision and restoration of the iconic shop and design and construction of a new holiday home. Natural timber was key to the design with the Australian Harwood being able to silver off over time. A simple pallet of glass, concrete and brick completes the minimalist enclosure. 1 main bedroom, 1 large bunkroom and an open plan living/dining are connected by large expanses of vertical glass maximising the natural light, views and providing some relief from the compact site. Visual and physical connection through to the plunge pool ensures this is a house designed for relaxation and enjoyment.
Set in the seaside town of Queenscliff Victoria, this holiday home resides in the redundant rear yard of the historical corner store as you enter the town.
The project required the subdivision and restoration of the iconic shop and design and construction of a new holiday home. Natural timber was key to the design with the Australian Harwood being able to silver off over time. A simple pallet of glass, concrete and brick completes the minimalist enclosure. 1 main bedroom, 1 large bunkroom and an open plan living/dining are connected by large expanses of vertical glass maximising the natural light, views and providing some relief from the compact site. Visual and physical connection through to the plunge pool ensures this is a house designed for relaxation and enjoyment.