Date: 24 June 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Speakers:Mr. Tony Lam
Venue: CLP Clock Tower Building, 139-147 Argyle Street, Ho Man Tin
(Meeting point: Entrance of CLP building at 9:45am)
CPD Points: 1.5 CPD hours
Language: Cantonese
Fee: HK$ 90 for HKICON Members, and HK$ 120 for non-HKICON Members
Limited to 30 participants. Free admission for HKICON Student Members.
Registration for Non-Members opens on 12 June 2023.
About the Site Visit:
The former headquarters of the China Light & Power Company (CLP) at Argyle Street, Kowloon is adaptively reused as two museums. The Art Deco style building was completed in 1940 with extension and changes over years. The tour will cover the transformation of the building and challenges in complying current statutory requirements. The archive of Hong Kong Heritage Project in the building is also one of the highlights of the visit.
About the Speakers:
Tony Lam
HKICON, HKIA, RA(HK), AP(Architect)
Former AAB member, Former Chairman of HKIA Heritage & Conservation Committee
Tony Lam is the founding director of AGC Design Ltd. He has been a practicing architect for over three decades and involved in various private and public projects. He is also a conservation architect working on various heritage conservation projects such as Lui Seng Chun and Central Market. Tony is familiar with the heritage conservation issues and active in the field of architectural conservation in Hong Kong. His project Lui Seng Chun Revitalization has received the HKIA Special Architectural Award in 2012. He is the author of the book “Heritage Conservation and Local Culture”《建築保育與本土文化》. The CLP project has been recently completed with Tony as the heritage consultant.
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