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Incorporating a butler’s pantry in your new house or renovation is becoming increasingly popular.
With open plan living becoming the norm, the kitchen has assumed pride of place in many homes. No longer is it hidden away in a room of its own or set in a back corner of the home, but rather it is often a focal point and even a way to express the home’s personality.
This is the place where much of the family’s daily activities and entertaining take place, which is undoubtably why the saying “kitchens sell homes” holds true.
So having a beautiful kitchen has become a key priority for home owners and a butler’s pantry has become a highly desirable addition. Not only does it provide extra storage space in close proximity to the kitchen but it is an ideal place to accommodate additional facilities and essentially “hide” some of the messier elements of a kitchen… particularly when entertaining
When planning your butler’s pantry is is good to keep the following suggestions in mind:
Finally, when planning your butler’s pantry make sure that there is good lighting, plenty of power points for built in appliances and some extras above the bench for portable appliances and consider adding an exhaust fan for when you are using them.
However you design your butler’s pantry, make sure that it reflects how you live. Happy planning!