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Services offer:
Whatever market you are in, whatever the condition of your asset, you can be assured that with Interplan™ and International Paint, you have the product, service and the people you need to give you long term asset protection.
A robust digital cloud-based inspection program giving owners full visibility of their facilities condition. Collected data is interactive and allows owners to view and maintain the health of their facility. Accurately planning and estimating necessary repairs, finding design weaknesses in your coating specification, and maximizing the life of your asset.
The detailed photographic and onsite survey data is uploaded directly from the secure connection, to the customer’s personalized extranet site in real time. From there, high quality, in-depth corrosion and coating reports can be generated that identify the areas in most need of attention. This saves both time and money by avoiding costly coating repairs later in the lifecycle of an asset.
Coating technology is an ever-evolving field of highly technical solutions solving complex problems. Ensure your coating applicators are trained by the best experts in the field and eliminate doubt and uncertainty from your application.
For applicators and fabricators, a highly trained team produces a better quality coatings application from the start, reducing the risk of costly rework. For asset owners, consultants and specification houses, effective training results in increased confidence and allows engineers to build more accurate coating specifications.
Types of Interskill training:
The quality and performance of our coatings has always been the cornerstone of our success and we recognize that they also need to be applied to the highest quality standards to ensure our clients’ expectations are met.
Bring peace of mind to your next project. Allow our technical service team to support you, acting as both an advisor and technical support for applicators, as well as documenting the installation of our products.
Through our InterSure quality programs, our expert technical service representatives can advise, recommend and provide you with third party quality assurance and support through the many varied stages of individual coating projects, new construction or maintenance, from start to finish.
Having the correct tools to apply and inspect coatings can make the difference between a job done and a job done right. As application and inspection technology advances every year you can rely on International to equip you with the most up to date equipment and the access to experts to ensure your job is a success.
Protective coatings is a complicated industry with different coatings and coating methods designed for each specific situation faced in the field or shop. From lining the inside of tanks to applying fire protection at height to applying anti corrosives to steel and everything in between. Having the materials and knowledge to handle every unique task can be costly and time and resource consuming.
From the most reliable spray pumps in the industry to drone inspections and Robotic applicators available to support in jobs all around the world. Committed to delivering the latest in innovative application equipment and world class technical support, International is your trusted partner to ensure any job can be done correctly when and how you need it.
AkzoNobel’s fire protection engineering services team consists of professionally licensed engineers with a background in design consultancy. As such, we can undertake heat transfer and structural engineering assessments which build on our fire-tested products to arrive at unique solutions for clients and their projects.
AkzoNobel's in-house professionally licensed structural fire design team can justify reductions in passive fire protection thickness and volumes while maintaining the regulatory fire resistance requirements on a project without affecting the design, and in many cases, yielding program gains. This service combines performance-based fire protection assessments with fit-for-purpose materials, delivering long-term cost-effective protection while preventing runaway maintenance and repair costs.
In addition to determining steel temperatures, the structural fire design team can undertake heat transfer assessments and ad-hoc structural assessments to provide project and client solutions as part of a unique service that assists constructability and application issues. This means we have a global team of structural engineering experts delivering extensive experience in the industry in relation to fire modelling, heat transfer, intumescent coating capability, academic research, steelwork specifications and material estimation currently working on projects across the globe.
Services Infographic
Known for high quality coating solutions, discover how Protective Coatings from International are about more than just what's in the can.
See how our experts can help you with your inspections, application and total project management, delivering an end-to-end range of services. Download our infographic to learn more.