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15 May 2016 | Kingspan Insulated Panels is pleased to announce the completion of full Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) on our roof, wall and controlled environment insulated panels supplied from our Australian manufacturing facility.
This is the first of its kind awarded to an Australasian based manufacturer of insulated panels, we can now publish full Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), giving peace of mind to designers that they are specifying products with a low environmental footprint.
EPD is a standardised internationally recognised tool for providing information on a product’s environmental footprint. Obtaining this award is consistent with Kingspan’s commitment to environmentally sustainable technology, and provides a new level of transparency and detail regarding our range of products, with the EPD taking into account factors such as raw materials, manufacture, shipping and transport to site, installation, and end of life disposal.
Results clearly indicate that our products being manufactured in Sydney are consistent with our UK and USA products, both of which have previously been assessed and achieved A+ ratings.
Whilst LCAs are relatively new to the New Zealand construction industry, both BRANZ and NZGBC are undertaking studies on the best framework to utilise these within the New Zealand built environment. As the framework develops we will be working closely with these organisations to ensure our LCA meets any changing requirements.
“The EPD for Kingspan products is a sustainability standard that brings a new level of transparency and detail regarding our products and their impact on the environment throughout their life cycle,” said Paul Metcalfe, General Manager/Director at Kingspan. “With increasing frequency, our customers are considering the entire life cycle of a product in their search for sustainable building materials. The EPD distinguishes Kingspan products from those of our competitors and underscores Kingspan’s commitment to environmentally sustainable technology, as we strive for more energy efficient buildings.”
To learn more about Kingspan’s EPD, contact Kingspan on [email protected] For information about Kingspan products and services, visit www.kingspanpanels.co.nz